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Commando (1985) vs. Cobra (1986).


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Which of these 80s action movies from Schwarzenegger and Stallone was better do you think? I think each have their pros and cons, with Commando being better for humor overall, and Cobra better for action and style, but feels like a Dirty Harry rip off nonethess. What do you think?

The trick is not minding
Commando every day, all day.
In General, Arnold was a better action star, and took more risks (Twins, Junior, Kindergarten Cop) and was able to accurately gauge audiences growing tastes in films. That last point, he was able to identify the growing trend of sci fi action films and made The Terminator, Predator and The Running Man.

Commondo all the way.

Despite being fairly illogical in parts, Commando had a nice hint of humour and other emotions. You cared about the female characters.

Cobra felt like a polished C movie. However, one thing I will give Cobra - it had a superior villain.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh really? I thought that the villain in Commando might have been better, although he was more of a comic relief villain perhaps. As to compare to Raw Deal and Red Heat, I would say Red Heat, beats both Commando and Cobra, but I would have to see Raw Deal again.

Naah. Cobra had a creepy villain despite the poor plot to work with. As you yourself admit, Commando's villain was unintentionally funny.

To me Commando's villain came across as grumpy Dad who was upset that his son had chosen Soccer over American football.

I think ironpony is an AI trying to learn our weaknesses and use them to exploit us

The only good thing about Cobra is the matchstick poster.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Naah. Cobra had a creepy villain despite the poor plot to work with. As you yourself admit, Commando's villain was unintentionally funny.

To me Commando's villain came across as grumpy Dad who was upset that his son had chosen Soccer over American football.
Oh I thought that that Commando was villain was INTENTIONALLY funny though. When Matrix seduces him into a knife fight, the villain makes an orgasm face at thought of a knife fight. This was intending to be funny, wasn't it?

As for the Cobra villain, he is creepy, but is he not too over the top, for a serious villain, where as an over the top funny villain may work better, when it comes to being over the top?

Welcome to the human race...
Something that gives Commando an edge is how it doesn't get weighed down by cop movie tropes - it's a very simple "guy must save his daughter in 11 hours" movie and it doesn't graze the 90-minute mark while the other titles mentioned tend to get caught up in police procedurals and buddy comedy so they come across as sluggish in comparison.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh really? I thought that in Cobra and Red Heat, the heroes don't give a damn about procedure and do what they want, so I didn't think of them as police procedurals.

I also felt that Commando felt oddly short on the first viewing, but got more use to it, on the second viewing.

Welcome to the human race...
Sure, I just mean in the sense that they maybe care too much about cop movie plotting to the point where very little about them really sticks in retrospect, whether that's in the form of procedurals or anything else.

Commando for sure, arnold owns the films with his presence, and the movie is just more solid than cobra

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
One thing about Cobra that I don't like is that it tries to force in these themes of injustice and how criminals have too many rights, where as Commando is a straight up action movie, which is probably better. However, in Commando, the female sidekick I find to be very whiny and over acting and annoying, which brings it down a couple of pegs as well.

Cobra was a much darker film.
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

That's a hard one. Gonna say Commando just for the big fun 80's action. Cobra is more gritty and dark, but not as fun to rewatch

That's a hard one. Gonna say Commando just for the big fun 80's action. Cobra is more gritty and dark, but not as fun to rewatch
Commando basically knows its silly fun but Cobra tries to take itself rather more seriously but comes off as cheesey.