Ballers (HBO series)


Its ok fun. If anyone liked Entourage theyd probably like this. Im nearing the end of season 1 and each episodes an easy 25 minute watch. A guilty pleasure of watching shows like this and Entourage makes it unecessary to read the Robb Report to see all those rich people toys.

Wanted to watch something on HBONow before my subscription runs out next month. (Gonna finish Sharp Objects & I’m done for a while.) So I took a look at the Ballers pilot & it’s not half bad. Dwayne Johnson is completely different from how I thought he would be & he seems like a low-key decent actor. I thought he was going to be dumb & thuggish like Jason Statham, but he’s not. Handsome & they dress him really well in the show.

Probably won’t stick with the show since I have zero interest in football, but will probably watch a few more episodes.

Anyone have anything to say about the show? More of a show for guys, would you say?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I enjoyed it for several episodes for time passing but it got repetitive pretty quickly. I watched all the episodes that were available about 6 months ago. Was surprised to see adverts for a new season.

Decent enough for a quick watch though.

Amazed that I am still binge-watching Ballers. I am halfway through season 2 much to my surprise. It really grows on you & has more depth than I would have imagined. The show would be nothing though without Dwayne Johnson.

This guy, David John Washington, is excellent in the show & I had no clue he is Denzel’s son.

Astonished that I have watched 30 episodes of this show. Started season 4, but, unfortunately, Russell Brand is in it so I stopped watching episode 1. May return or maybe I’ve had enough now. Very good show though.