Neighborhoods and towns from films


The trick is not minding
Ever watch a film and wish you lived in that specific town or neighborhood?
There’s been plenty that have stuck out for me. For example:
The neighborhood in E.T. Absolutely loved the stairs behind the house leading up the hill into the woods.
Jaws. Amity seemed like a nice island to live in, minus the constant shark attacks.
Speaking of coastal towns, both “The Fog” films he areas I would have loved.
And of course, the Goonies. Complete with pirate ship and all 😏
I suppose a lot of the above are a result of living in Florida for 6 years when I was younger, and going to the beaches every other weekend. But coastal towns always stood out to me as a result.
Am I alone on this?

Couple that come to mind:

Any town/city in Lord of the Rings. Super cool places.

Animal community in Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Sid's town in Toy Story.

City in Up.

Apartment complex in Rear Window.

Town in Pinocchio.
Lists and Projects

The Shire LOTR

Starship Enterprise

To Catch A Thief

Ewoks/Return of the Jedi


Iron Man 3 + (Stark / Avengers Tower & cabin from EndGame)

and many more..