Psycho (1960)

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Master of My Domain
Psycho is great because it has the first instance of a toilet flush being heard on-screen.
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The score is perfection. When you think about how edgy, agressive and "all over the place" the score is, it's amazing how controlled and sophisticated it feels. One of the greatest pieces of music ever imo.
Yeah, there are a couple times when it's just a quiet shot of Leigh and the score is subdued but you can still feel the harshness underneath. Loved it.

Apparently the toilet flushing was really controversial at the time. Hilarious when there was a brutal murder happening next to it. Well that's what QI told me anyway haha.

And yeah the Score is perfect of course.

Have you guys watched the trailer he made for this? I think that this could be an entire talking point by itself, maybe even something you could write a mini review of. If you haven't seen it, hit the play button. Hell, even if you have seen it, watch it again.

It's so wierd and yet it works as a suspence filled trailer when it really shouldn't.
Incredible. We think they give away too much in trailers now. I thought he was going to reveal the twist. Glad you shared that Clazor.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I've found a lot of redeeming value in watching films for a second, third, twentieth time. My wife isn't big into rewatches unless she absolutely loves the film..
i totally relate. I love rewatches. My husband just asks why I'm watching again.I say - shush you; I'm watching on a different level. he doesn't get it. Bloody engineer. films are a tapestry, not a bundle of wires.

I've watched Psycho more times than I know. I'm very well known for doing that. We're talking 20 plus times, easy. Sure, I'm attached to a machine or something, but still, I'm watching it.

I don't actually have a problem with the ending. None whatsoever. What else would you all rather see? Mom sitting in the basement, while Sam Loomis stops Norman Bates from killing Lila Crane. Would you have added anything else, or do you want it to stop right there?

Toilets flushing?

Janet Leigh is not in Psycho long enough. She is so amazing. Oddly enough, it seemed to take a couple hours for them to kill off Anne Heche. That movie is one serious piece of *****.

Toilets flushing!

Please tell me you all hate the remake. Alfred Hitchcock rolled over a few times in that grave of his.

I also love the theme music in this film. It's very edgy, and works perfect for keeping us in suspense.

I know this film is quite often referred to as a horror movie, but to me, it will always be a suspense thriller.

I give this film a perfect 5 stars.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Psycho is great because it has the first instance of a toilet flush being heard on-screen.
Heard or shown?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I've watched Psycho more times than I know. I'm very well known for doing that. We're talking 20 plus times, easy. Sure, I'm attached to a machine or something, but still, I'm watching it.

I don't actually have a problem with the ending. None whatsoever. What else would you all rather see? Mom sitting in the basement, while Sam Loomis stops Norman Bates from killing Lila Crane. Would you have added anything else, or do you want it to stop right there?

Toilets flushing?

Janet Leigh is not in Psycho long enough. She is so amazing. Oddly enough, it seemed to take a couple hours for them to kill off Anne Heche. That movie is one serious piece of *****.

Toilets flushing!

Please tell me you all hate the remake. Alfred Hitchcock rolled over a few times in that grave of his.

I also love the theme music in this film. It's very edgy, and works perfect for keeping us in suspense.

I know this film is quite often referred to as a horror movie, but to me, it will always be a suspense thriller.

I give this film a perfect 5 stars.
I think an ending of him getting locked up with that steely stare would have worked way better for me. I just hate that scene.

I don't know if Leigh is in it too little. I mean part of the power of the set up of her character is that her early exit shocks us. I do love her though. Still think I'm partial to Tippi but I need to rewatch The Birds soon as well.

I haven't seen the remake and don't plan too. I abhor Heche as an actress and I have never heard a sould say the movie isn't pointless

Yeah, it won't work for modern audiences because the average person has no idea who she is, but the point was that Leigh was billed as the big star; the person who was supposed to draw audiences and she was killed so early on. Very brave and potentially disastrous decision since word of mouth could have soured people going to see it knowing she wasn't in it for long, then that plays into Hitch trying to convince audiences not to tell anyone what happens.

Well, when I truly love a film, a remake needs to be amazing. I gave it a go, but when they got to one specific scene, I was up and turning it off. As well as picturing Hitchcock rolling over in his grave.

The scene . . . OK, my spoiler tags aren't working, so don't read this unless you've seen it . . .

"We get that Norman has some huge issues, and we get why he is spying on her in the shower, but having the new Norman stand there, unzip his pants, and get off while watching her, is simply stupid to add in. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't need to be in anything Hitchcock. Especially a remake of his amazing work. I found it very disrespectful. I can't believe they worried about a toilet, way back when, and now they can stand there and jack off. Oh, what a world, what a world, what a world . . . "

I'm feeling as though some people will think I'm wrong, being too picky, nunish, or whatever. I just believe there is a proper place for all things, and a Hitchcock movie is not that place. In all honesty, if you all could hear me in my everyday life, I'd probably blow your socks off. Trust me, I'm not a prude. Again, there's just a proper place for everything, and as far as I'm concerned, those ass wipes got this one way wrong. If you want to remake Hitchcock's work, show the man some respect while you're doing so.

I'm not disagreeing but stuff like you're talking about is very hard to gauge. Would Hitch done something like that if he were allowed? Impossible to know.

That's what's cool about old movies though they make you realize you can get the same response from an audience with restraint. That scene is plenty creepy and you know where Norman's head is without that.

Flip side is the "rape" scene in Streetcar. That scene is open for plenty of interpretation with the restrictions.

I'm not disagreeing but stuff like you're talking about is very hard to gauge. Would Hitch done something like that if he were allowed? Impossible to know.
He definitely would have in my opinion. Maybe not that exactly but there'd definitely be alot of sex in his films rather than just the alluding to sex/voyeurism/etc in his films if he was allowed to from everything i've read about him. I mean just look at Frenzy his penultimate film when these rules were just starting to be relaxed with the
WARNING: "frenzy" spoilers below
horrific, sleazy rape scene
. Hitch was clearly a fan of sleaze.