If you watch this film backwards...


If you watch Child's Play backwards, a killer doll who's trying to transfer his soul into a kid's body, unkills a bunch of people and then, in a happy ending, manages to get his soul back inside his own original body.

Let the night air cool you off
If you watch The Matrix backwards, a man takes a pill to forget about his cyber-punk lifestyle. He chooses an interesting way to get to his cubicle.

If you watch Child's Play 3 backwards, it's about an angry deformed doll who gets his face back, and he's so grateful that he goes around and magically heals a bunch of murder victims. Then at the end he melts for no particular reason.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
If you watch Donnie Darko backwards it's about a zombie named Donnie that is summoned back to life by an evil rabbit demon with the purpose of building a wall to hide the secret of a paedophile! Now that's a f*cked up movie!

If you watch Rocky backwards its about a boxer who goes on a downward spiral from competing in a championship fight to becoming an absolute bum in a matter of months. Along the way he loses the love of his life, gives away his dog and resorts to working for the mob. It's one of the most depressing stories you'll ever come across!

If you watch Lethal Weapon backwards it's about a black cop who gets younger but is somehow still "too old for this s*it!"

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
If you watch Remember the Titans backwards it's about a Championship winning football team torn apart by racial differences. Things become so bad that in the end they have to be segregated.

If you watch Wall-e backwards it's the story of an evil little robot that drives humanity from Earth so that he can have it all to himself.

If you watch Ghostbusters backwards you see a group of guys unleashing ghosts and demons into New York city. They transport and release them from their proton packs. And once they have inflicted them all on the citizens they go their separate ways. The evil b*stards!

If you watch Saving Private Ryan backwards, it's about some soldiers who abandon Ryan to his fate so they can fight their way to the beach and take a ship home.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
If you watch Saving Private Ryan backwards, it's about some soldiers who abandon Ryan to his fate so they can fight their way to the beach and take a ship home.
Damn man you just stole that one from me!!! I've written a whole bunch out and dispensing them a few at a a times. Was going to post that one last time but left it. You suck, dude! Here's what mine was going to be anyway -

If you watch Saving Private Ryan backwards you see that Tom Hanks is a sadistic b*stard who abandons Matt Damon to die just like his brothers!

If you watch Gremlins backwards, it's about a kid who tames ugly monsters and turns them into cute pets so his dad can sell them.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
If you watch 2001 backwards, it's about a giant fetus which turns into an old man who goes througn a psychedelic light show at an avant-garde concert and becomes an astronaut on a spaceship near Jupiter who turns on a computer so that he and his partner can lose to it while playing chess. Later, his non-identical evil twin fixes his hearing problem on the moon and travels back to Earth on a shuttle which magically turns into a bone which is used as a murder weapon by an ape who later atones by becoming a vegetarian. All throughout, the ape dreams of a mysterious monolith. Then he wakes up one morning.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
If you watch The Room back...oh hi Mark!
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


If you watch The Shawshank Redemption backwards, it's about a guy who escapes from a storm by breaking in to jail through a secret tunnel of excrement, so that he can hang out with Morgan Freeman.

If you watch Reservoir Dogs backwards, it's about a bunch of zombies who like to give away jewelry and then talk about it while drinking coffee.

The way I see it,if you watch Die Hard backwards,it's about a guy who kills bunch of people in the plaza in order to talk to his wife and then just leave.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
If you watch Free Willy backwards it's about a kid robbing a whale and putting it in a theme park.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
If you watch Return Of The King backwards, it keeps starting.
Ok as much as I resent your constant digs at Lord of the Rings even I have to admit that was a good one. Nicely played sir.