Keanu Reeve s resurgence as a star in hollywood


Do you guys consider the whole franchise of john wick and the brilliant direction it has come under as a main reason why keanu has resurged to be the action star of late.
To me i consider this franchise to be one of the few quality movie series that we have going on the big screen in a time of many generic action movies
These movies are so much fun! In an age where everything from Star Wars to Game of Thrones can be such huge disapointment.
No political agenda, no grotesquely obscene sexual explicitness, no Tarantino-styled endless dialogue. Just kick-ass action with frequent tongue-in-cheek throwback references to cult classic action flicks. Solid escapism.
I do think that this has helped keanu get back his aura as the action star of the last decade.
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combination of has been movie star and likability is a potent mix ready to combust into a box office hit. With the right project they can print money. But the puppy is as much of a reason to make john wick a hit as it is the fight sequences. That factored into his likability. But most importantly it's the franchise that people are attached and not keanu reeves. Replicas is a movie released this year didn't work out so well.

He's become a huge draw as an action star. He's also become officially "cool". One doesn't have to be cool for very long to cash in big time.. He is also able to convey strength and determination, which are both traditionally very popular qualities. He puts me in mind of David Carradine in the 1970s Kung Fu series.

IMO he's a lightweight actor with limited talent, but as an action star, histrionic heft is not necessary. The Matrix gave him real cred, so it was just a question of getting the right projects in order to occupy the highest shelf.


I was revisiting a bit of Gun Kata recently, with the end of Equilibrium which I hadn't seen for quite a while. Still great.