Hollywood is on fire.


Can’t even imagine the pain of losing one’s house & possessions.

One dumb ass family finally evacuated, but decided to leave their pit bull behind. They later found his remains.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Can’t even imagine the pain of losing one’s house & possessions.

One dumb ass family finally evacuated, but decided to leave their pit bull behind. They later found his remains.

But in a happy story, a man was reunited with his dog that went missing during the evacuations. The dog was missing for five days following the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

This is devastating and so unsettling. I want to say throw Gavin Newsome under a bus but this is ineptitude on a grander scale or something more worryingly sinister. At least we know actors whose home are burned down are… good ones?

This is devastating and so unsettling. I want to say throw Gavin Newsome under a bus but this is ineptitude on a grander scale or something more worryingly sinister. At least we know actors whose home are burned down are… good ones?
Could we please not turn this into a political thread? Cause, politics aren't allowed here.

If any officials at the state, local, or federal level are shown to have been negligent in any way, then it will come out sooner or later. But from all news accounts, the scale of this is something that could not have been anticipated.

Thank you.

A system of cells interlinked
Just a reminder to avoid diving into politics or the calling out of specific political figures, which goes against forum policy.

“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

What an article, overwhelmingly sad Bless those firefighters for all they're doing.
And let’s not forget the incarcerated men who have volunteered to fight the fires. They didn’t have to volunteer so kudos to them.