hunt for red october question


this is one of those little details, but does anyone know the book that is refered to in the beginning of the movie with Ramius and the politcal officer are in the cabin, it's the book he says that it's his wife's book, written by the man who invented the atomic bomb


The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
I haven't seen the movie in a while (but I will soon, as it is one of my very favorites) but to my memory his wife had the Bible. (Although that doesn't connect to the atom bomb....I probably have no idea about what I'm talking about....)
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Sorry this is such a late reply...

The book was the Bible, which is why you could feel that "conflict" between Marko and Putin (the political officer).

As Atheism was forced in the Soviet Union, the Political Officer was speculative as to why Marko would have he explained it was his wife's then marko reads the quote, which his wife wrote in it.

"Behold, I have become death, the destroyer of Worlds."

Marko explains it was an ancient "hindu text" (the words of brahman if I remember correctly), and that it was quoted by an American, the one who invented the atomic bomb and was accused of being a Communist (Oppenheimer).
За родину, за победу, за веру.
Za rodeenu, za pobedu, za veru.

What s the significance of the polyarni inlet in the film? Is it a naval base there or something?