Biggest Nob


Registered User
Mainstream movies only please:

The proudest display of man-flesh in the cinema. Whose d**k is out the furthest?

My nomination is Peter Firth's in Equus (Sidney Lumet 1977), man it is thick. Unfortunately not erect, but then again if it was it might have cut off the blood supply to his acting!

The bit when he rolls it all over lucky Jenny Aggutter's tummy! Mmmmm... Almost made me want to go out and blind a few ponies, if you know what I mean!


PS Sliding around here boys...
[Edited by TWTCommish on 08-18-2001]
All Men Leak...

Registered User
As long as you don't keep your nob peeled for me, Tooose - I'm happy.


Alright, this is getting a bit out of hand. Daisy, if your ONLY purpose on this site is to discuss sexually related material, then perhaps you should go elsewhere. Stay here as long as you like, but the trend I'm seeing is unsettling.

Oh, and I'm virtually sure it's spelled "knob."

Registered User
I wondered how long it would be before some censorious son of a bitch reared his head! Not long.

This happens to be a topic that interests me. Perhaps, it would be possible just for once to have a fun adult chat about stuff without some Jerry Fallwell sound-a-like putting the dampers on. Apparently not...

Oh and it IS "nob" when referring to a bloke's penis, smartarse! I thought everybody knew that...


Um, I've seen it spelled with a "k", and never without it until now. Jerry Falwell? Ha. If you're only defense is to sling insults and labels, then perhaps you don't have much behind it.

Sorry, this forum is supposed to be for a wide variety of people, and age groups. My grandparents visit this site sometimes, and so do my friends, and sometimes my siblings as well. If you don't like it, start your own forum. Online message boards are not run by Democracy.

Regardless of what you think, it was rude to simply assume it would be okay. If you actually expected to be censored, then it was very rude of you to say it in the first place. You want to talk about "fun adult" things, but you don't want to act with the maturity of an adult, which consists of recognizing that others may be offended, and considering other people, and other people's rules, before posting like this.

The choice is yours: tone it down and stay, or don't, and leave. These are the rules of the forum. I'm sure that, if you went to a forum for Harry Potter fans, and started posting messages about genitalia, you'd be told to stop there, too. Why should this be any different? I run this, and I've chosen what knid of people I'd like to be able to visit this.

Registered User
Chris, as far as I am aware the Harry Potter books do not contain referrences to genitalia. (Might be more fun if they did.)

Many movies do. Lots of films deal with adult themes in adult ways. I merely wanted to reflect that.

On the other hand if you are on some sort of power-trip here and like pushing me around - feel free. I kinda like it too.


PS If I had actually started using crude or abusive language or shouting at people I could understand.

No, no power trip. IF I were on a power trip, I would've deleted all your posts, and your username. But ya know what? That would be'd be more rude than posting a message that contains things you EXPECT to be censored at some point.

No, the Potter books don't contain references to that, but it doesn't matter if "some" movies do. Should we be allowed to discuss pornographic movies here, too? My point is that when someone runs a forum like this, they set their rules to be consistent with the various kinds of people they expect/want to visit. I want children/pre-teens to be able to visit here without their parents freaking out. Maybe their parents shouldn't care, but some do anyway.

I'd like to add, however, that there are ways around this. Miriam, Pigsnie, PLite and the rest of the Badger Crew are always making suggestive remarks, but it's never blunt, it's never's always in a goofy, and indirect way. I can live with that.

I simply do not see why you have some problem with me wanting to keep this site tame enough for younger people. Feel free to fill me in, because I find that perfectly reasonable.

Registered User
Oh boy. I clearly stated that I wanted to discuss "mainstream movies" that is, films that are shown in regular picture houses and are certificated as fit for an adult audience.

No, not porn - I would not think that reasonable - they are not movies in the same sense.

But because you want the site safe for kiddie-winks, does that mean we can't discuss Equus, Last Tango in Paris, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre etc?

Also, I think it is more honest to meet these topics head on. So you prefer sniggering behind the bike sheds? Maybe you just resent a woman joining the forum and brining up such issues openly, maybe you'd just like to put me back in my box?


You're maing a crucial mistake: you're assuming this is about me. It's not -- it's about visitors, and potential visitors. I don't make rules based simply on what bothers me.

Discuss the Texas Chainsaw my opinion, talking about sex is very different from talking about violence. I don't have any real hangups on the subject, but plenty of people do. As I'm sure you've noticed, people are much more tolerant of violence than they are of sex. For better or for worse, that's the way it is.

Oh, and yeah, that's it: I resent you, because you're a woman. I'm afraid of women who express themselves, and say what's on their mind. I'm intimidated by strong-willed women, too, because I'm a stereotypical, fictional white republican who works at a bank, right?

Registered User
I thought so, I'm happy to have my prejudices confirmed.


(BTW How do you get those smiley face things up so I can express MY irony?)

Yup, now you know. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go rant to a friend about homosexuals, and throw darts at a picture of Bill Clinton...that is, after I yell at homeless people for being lazy/drunk. Ahh, the life of an imagined conservative.

You can learn about smilie faces here:

Hey, if you've still got a problem, say so: what's wrong me wanting certain things that bother many people to be censored here?

Registered User
No. No more problem. You're the boss, I know my place, hush my mouth if I ever step outa line again...


PS Thanks for having this out person to person, some moderators on some boards just shout you down without debate. We're not going to agree, but I shall try to respect your views.

If I could make a smiley, it would be a smiling one.

I don't want people put in their place. I want them to express disagreement, but I want them to have good reason for their disagreement, and I want them to be respectful about it. Have I been particular disrespectful here?

You can make a smilie. They're easy. Like this :) (it's not changed into an actual smilie because I've deactivated them on this particular post).

Registered User
Not disrespectful, hell no.

You don't want certain aspects of certain films mentioned or discussed. Certainly not in a frank way. Does that sum up your view point fairly?

This IS censorship, but at least you are nice about it.

I think your reasoning is a little fuzzy, but then you think I'm some sort of sex obsessed freak.

The question I put here, albeit in a jokey way, is one I've wanted to ask for some time. Same with my rude words thread - I genuinely want to know. If that's out of order here, then fine, now I know.

BTW I didn't expect to be censored. I feared I maybe, that's not the same thing. I always hope I've found a genuinely free and grown up forum of debate.

Now, let's try a smile.

How's that?


BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
too bad daisy missed our massive censorship thread... come to think of it i kinda miss it.

Yeah, that was a huge thread. Although, in the end, it was more about the shortcomings of the MPAA's rating system, and the fact that sex is a very sensitive subject (no pun intended) for most people. Feel free to resurrect it, though.

Registered User
Daisy, You should try JoBlo--there's probably no bodily function or part they haven't . . . er . . . discussed over there And sometimes it even has to do with movies.
Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

Well when a big ugly nob shows up in the movies I always look down on my shoes & say to Pigsnie, Is the nob gone yet? and Pigsnie says, Yes, now its his bum.
God save Freddie Mercury!

I feel like I should say something but I cannot choose a side. As far as the wangs are concerned, I have no comment.