The Little Things...


The feeling of gravity between your body and your mattress. Have you ever just laid in bed and concentrated on the sensation of pressure where all the points of your body are making contact with what's under you and really felt the sheer pull of gravity that is drawing you downward toward the center of the Earth?

The feeling of gravity between your body and your mattress. Have you ever just laid in bed and concentrated on the sensation of pressure where all the points of your body are making contact with what's under you and really felt the sheer pull of gravity that is drawing you downward toward the center of the Earth?
Dude... that's deep. I'm lying down right now.

Dance Moms
Dance Moms UK
The Jeremy Kyle show (because it unintentionally makes most people feel better about their own life)
Ice cream (just vanilla and strawberry, I ain't very adventurous)
Strawberry nutri-grain bars (the apple ones are passable. But the blueberry ones are a crime)
People not getting on my case about eating meat on Good Friday.
Lindt chocolate (but not the lindors)
Hershey's cookies and cream
White chocolate cookies
Cake (but not red velvet)
My home city
My grandma's city next to the coast.
Train stations (I love them for some reason )
Cool breezes on sunny days!

And finally, when someone gives you a lift home after having to use the bus all week!

Just from reading that I bet youre the type person that can eat an entire thanksgiving dinner, go back for seconds, eat pie, and manage to lose 5 lbs

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Just from reading that I bet youre the type person that can eat an entire thanksgiving dinner, go back for seconds, eat pie, and manage to lose 5 lbs
I have a BMI of 19.5! so yeah, very true

Master of My Domain
Let's see, I think I have a couple of things worth mentioning

- A relatively fast internet
- Mayonnaise (huge fan of it)
- Being bilingual
- My trusty pillow that's been with me for over 10 years
- Having access to good music
- My dog, which gives me access to dog-related jokes and memes
- Fairly good collection of classic novels
- A family I can always call
- This website

I'll add more when they come to mind
Letterboxd Profile:

- Knowing that there's two future series of Doctor Who and a new Ghostbusters movie guaranteed
- Having access to something as amazing as the internet, where you can communicate with people from any part of the world, play countless games and tweet a lot.
- The taste of cheese, pizza and a nice salmon fillet.
- The warmth of a good old cuppa (I'm a proper Yorkshireman)
- My parents, brother, dogs and cats
- Being able to finally realise a story I've always wanted to tell about being 'lost' in time

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Toilet paper (although I would categorize it as a big deal)

I'll bet you didn't realize how important it is when you posted this 4 years ago.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

My daily coffee. (And thank you to my fellow churchgoer who presented me with a $15 gift card this a.m.)

My 2 indoor & 1 outside cats. When I feel sorry for myself, stressed or worried (or all of the above), I still need to take care of my cats. Calyx lives outside & I don’t enjoy going out to feed him his dinner when it’s cold & dark, but he needs me. He looks forward to seeing me in the a.m. with his breakfast (and then there’s lunch around noon) & this gives me great pleasure.

My daily walk - hopefully for 2 hours, but at least 90 minutes. I would be insane if I didn’t exercise.

Movies & books - two other great loves, without which I would definitely be insane.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.