Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Sinister -

definitely feels like it was done by the guy who did Hellraiser: Inferno
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Whiplash (2014) - Damien Chazelle

- This is a rewatch for me and as a fan of movie and a fan of music I can easily tell everyone this is my favorite movie of this kind. Performance are UNREAL, direction is top notch and storyline with this amazing ending is just perfect. So unique and entertaining, this is still an unbelievable cinematic experience for me. I am no fan of Jazz music but this movie is definitely more intense than rock/metal by his intensity and style. Masterpiece.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (Rawson Marshall Thurber, 2004)
A very hit and miss affair

Welcome to the human race...
Take it as a sign that you should check out Hellraiser: Inferno - it covers similar ground to Sinister while being different enough in its own right.

(also lol I just looked up Derrickson and gee I wonder if it's a coincidence that Hawke's character looks exactly like him)
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

with this amazing ending is just perfect
Ive actually watched the end scene on youtube about a hundred times lol more than any other video I watch on youtube, its just a shame it's in 2 parts.. in fact talking about it, I need to watch it now.
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Snooze factor = Z

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

I am the Watcher in the Night
I just watched Windriver and although it is uneven at times, it is a surprisingly good film. I would recommend it to everyone.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Train To Busan

Simple character arcs with numerous characters, and zombies on a train... and a little twist at the end too.

Loved some of the characters in this as well.
The treatment is disparate with them which is cool: Bad father and husband with a kid in tow... father-to-be and mother-to-be... a couple young lovers, both of which are a little naïve... an antagonist who actually has a point...

... and they all go through a learning curve.

There's a 30 second scene that reminded me of the scenes from The Mist too when people on the train become 2 "factions"...

Fun to watch, and like the OP said in the Busan Thread, the aesthetic is like watching the zombies from World War Z... this is far better though. They also have a couple traits with the zombies with their sight and sound which is a super cool addition.

The special effects are also solid. Good CGI, good makeup effects and the zombie choreography is seemingly done using actual real and proper dancers, martial artists and gymnasts and stuff. They contort and move so weirdly, it has to be a profession.

Edit/addition: Kim Su-an as Su-an, the Daughter of the main guy... what a remarkable little actress. She's got a majorly successful future ahead of her

Not quite the 100% magic marker... some of it is "Seen it before" territory so it loses a few points.
But, with a zombie movie this good, in this day and age?
My rating: 94%

Mia and the White Lion (2018)

Absolutely charming film, credit to the crew and actors. Bit of "Born Free" in here...great way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.

Re-watches last night:

Blake Edwards' scorching look at Hollywood insiders featuring a screenplay so sharp you can cut yourself on it and a brilliant ensemble cast.

I forgot how good this movie was...sophisticated screenplay, crisp direction by the amazing Mike Nichols, and three winning lead performances...it was nice to see Harrison Ford lighten up and Sigourney Weaver was robbed of the Best Supporting Actress Oscar. Sparkling movie entertainment.

Behind the Curve (2018)

Very interesting documentary about the Flat Earther community. They are like a subculture of people who deny basic scientific facts because they believe that it is all a government conspiracy. People who are attracted to this are usually people who are to some degree social outcasts who disdain authority and who lack formal scientific education.

While it is easy to mock this kind of people we have to be aware that we all are to some degree flat earthers in the senses that: We believe in many things through our basic intuition or personal connections instead of actually researching the topic. We are also often dogmatic regarding many beliefs even when presented with overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

What an excellent day for an exorcism
While it is easy to mock this kind of people we have to be aware that we all are to some degree flat earthers in the senses that: We believe in many things through our basic intuition or personal connections instead of actually researching the topic. We are also often dogmatic regarding many beliefs even when presented with overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Interesting perspective. Do you have an example where this viewpoint applies to you personally? Meaning, what belief do you maintain regardless of any vast evidence contradicting that belief? If that is getting too personal, a no response is perfectly understandable you prefer to keep that to yourself.

Dark Phoenix

Even though this was a bit of a letdown, I still enjoyed it. Dark Phoenix is one of my favorite X-Men/Marvel characters. I wish Fox would have done a better job and I'm expecting high hopes from Disney.


Thought the Yankee one was good, this "knocks it out the park". Great nuanced performances. The actors for sure were brilliant. Cannot fault it.

Whiplash (2014) - Damien Chazelle

- This is a rewatch for me and as a fan of movie and a fan of music I can easily tell everyone this is my favorite movie of this kind. Performance are UNREAL, direction is top notch and storyline with this amazing ending is just perfect. So unique and entertaining, this is still an unbelievable cinematic experience for me. I am no fan of Jazz music but this movie is definitely more intense than rock/metal by his intensity and style. Masterpiece.
Deserves all it's plaudits. Not a easy watch but a rewarding one.