The most powerful movie experiences of your life?


I found Heat like that, having just seen it properly for the first time.

In recent memory I would say the film that really hit me, at the end, was The Lives of Others.
I still think about The Lives of Others about every month since I watched it when it was released to video.

Amélie is the movie that has impacted me the most on how I appreciate the little things. I also always have it's aesthetics (color, pacing) in the back of my mind as well.

Watching these the first time:

Taxi Driver
The King of Comedy
When The Wind Blows
The Godfather

Amélie is the movie that has impacted me the most on how I appreciate the little things. I also always have it's aesthetics (color, pacing) in the back of my mind as well.
I like the bit with the gnome . It's strange to think that Emily Watson was going to be Amélie.


- Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
- The Birds (1963)
- Platoon (1986)
- First Blood (1982)
- Rocky IV (1985)
- The Terminator (1984)
- Commando (1985)

there's more but these are the most powerful for me
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Anaconda (1997)

Without a doubt, only film that legitimately haunted me throughout the years.

Honestly its tough to rate some of them as the films importance to me slowly grew over the years rather than hitting me on first viewing, Blade Runner being an obvious example. Stuff that hit me more emotionally on initial viewing...

A Clockwork Orange
The Sixth Sense
Once Upon A Time In America
Groundhog Day
Millennium Actress
Angel Heart
Blue is the Warmest Colour
Apocalypse Now
Watership Down

this scene from the 1975 bollywood movie 'sholay' ( splinters ) in which a character remembers his hands being cut off by the movie's villain---