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Are these female lead remakes are getting out of hand now?


Siddon's montage above is great, but it's a shame to miss out these lads :

Peter Pratt, Geoffrey Beevers and Derek Jacobi.

After the all female remakes of Ghostbusters only broke even at the Box office, Hollywood thought that they would give it another go with Ocean's 8, and then that only broke even.

Now I read they planning on doing an all female lead Terminator movie, as well a new all female remake of The Expendables.

But I feel like now after the first couple of failures, that enough is enough, and it feels like if they go ahead with these movies, that they are just trying too hard.

I feel no one really wants to see a female lead Terminator or an all female Expendables. I don't want to, and I asked all my male and female friends and they all said no.

I think that making an all female Expendables is loosing the target audience.

Cause that's like making an all male remake of Pitch Perfect and hoping viewers will have a huge interest in seeing that.

But what do you think, am I being too hard or cynical perhaps?

You bring up an interesting point about remaking mainly female dominated movies into only male roles, like Pitch Perfect. Like a remake of Clueless, but with dudes. I think the only way a movie like that would even make its money back would be by making it into a spoof of the original, like Naked Gun or Scary Movie.

I think you are right, these subsequent re-imaginations with women are not going to sell or be as popular as their original counterparts. Nowadays, instead of making a story just naturally have women, it's like they are going overboard with continually shoving women into what were normally male dominated roles to get it into the audience's subconscious mind that it's just "normal" that women have these powerful roles. I have no problem with women being in these positions or a full on cast of women, if that is what the story is. What is annoying is the push by movie makers trying to fill some "void" by doing this just for the sake of doing it rather than organically. No clearer example of this is exist, to me, than in The Last Jedi.

This might just do nobody any good.
Oh I don't know, I was having this conversation a month or so ago about how different GoldenEye was at the time. New Bond, Moneypenny and M; very different music, updated graphics etc.
Right but, in my opinion, at least, CR does much of that as well and better and more drastically. Goldeneye fits in with the preceding entries in the franchise more than Craig’s first outing. It certainly makes Bond feel new in a way that the former couldn’t.

This might just do nobody any good.
This thread makes me happy that something like Widows exists and looks as great as it does.

to get it into the audience's subconscious mind that it's just "normal"
This is the driving force at the moment, especially with colourblind casting.

Right but, in my opinion, at least, CR does much of that as well and better and more drastically. Goldeneye fits in with the preceding entries in the franchise more than Craig’s first outing. It certainly makes Bond feel new in a way that the former couldn’t.
It was quite funny for me at the time because Daniel Craig reminded me of Timothy Dalton a lot in places (my favourite Bond). I particularly liked it when he was getting annoyed with the "office boy" prior to the crane scene .

This thread makes me happy that something like Widows exists and looks as great as it does.

Rock music and action movie obsessed guy,
As a wise man once said, "That's the fact Jack!" But seriously I hate female driven remakes
Happiness is having your own library card.

A system of cells interlinked
It was quite funny for me at the time because Daniel Craig reminded me of Timothy Dalton a lot in places (my favourite Bond). I particularly liked it when he was getting annoyed with the "office boy" prior to the crane scene .
Dalton was excellent as Bond - too bad rights issues ended up putting the franchise on hold, eventually forcing Dalton out of the role.
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

Dalton was excellent as Bond - too bad rights issues ended up putting the franchise on hold, eventually forcing Dalton out of the role.
A third Dalton film would have been very interesting to see, but not if it was the same GoldenEye story they did for Pierce Brosnan.

Actually when I watch A View to a Kill I always think Dalton would have been good in it, especially in the Eiffel Tower sequence.

A system of cells interlinked
A third Dalton film would have been very interesting to see, but not if it was the same GoldenEye story they did for Pierce Brosnan.

Actually when I watch A View to a Kill I always think Dalton would have been good in it, especially in the Eiffel Tower sequence.
The problem with View to a Kill was that Moore was just too damned old for the role at that point. The love story came off as forced and unbelievable, and Grace Jones' character realistically would have handed him his ass in any altercation. It was rough watching him lurch and putter around trying to be suave when it was clear he needed to be retired to the golf course. Definitely would have been cool to see Dalton in that one instead.

Dalton was excellent as Bond - too bad rights issues ended up putting the franchise on hold, eventually forcing Dalton out of the role.
Dalton was my favourite Bond. I read the books when I was a kid, and he matches the physical description the most, and I liked his take on it. He just...fit.

A system of cells interlinked
Dalton was my favourite Bond. I read the books when I was a kid, and he matches the physical description the most, and I liked his take on it. He just...fit.

His flicks were made at an interesting time, too. In The Living Daylights, he was pretty much riding around on horse back with Al Queda fighting the Russians. Whoops!

His flicks were made at an interesting time, too. In The Living Daylights, he was pretty much riding around on horse back with Al Queda fighting the Russians. Whoops!
Well, Bond is a bit inappropriate.