Oscar Picks

Hardest Scenes To Watch


I also really hated Marley & Me. To be fair my girlfriend at the time basically told me the whole plot then said "let's watch it!" Still it was horribly acted and i didn't buy into the relationship.

Yep, I only saw the last part of My Dog Skip and knew I'd never watch it from the beginning, no matter how good the movie was. I'd heard rumors of Hachi: A Dog's Tale and you've confirmed them for me, gb. I appreciate it. Hate movies like that where the dog give his everything and then dies. I've had enough of that in real life. I've heard the same rumor about Marley and Me---won't watch it.
Hachi: A Dog's Tale, My Dog Skip and the Futurama Episode: Jurassic Bark are all based on the true story of the Japanese dog Hachiko. Marley and Me is something different though.

WARNING: "Marley and Me" spoilers below
I get why it's sad but it's just what happens, the dog lives a long, good life then it dies. If the relationship was done well maybe i'd care more.

Hachi: A Dog's Tale, My Dog Skip and the Futurama Episode: Jurassic Bark are all based on the true story of the Japanese dog Hachiko. Marley and Me is something different though.

WARNING: "Marley and Me" spoilers below
I get why it's sad but it's just what happens, the dog lives a long, good life then it dies. If the relationship was done well maybe i'd care more.

For me, the problem with movies like Marley and Me is that
WARNING: "SPOILERS for "Marley and Me"!!!" spoilers below
it doesn't matter if the relationship is done well or not. If the dog is cute and well-behaved, I can fall in love with the dog in the first few minutes of the movie, and then I'll cry if the dog dies at the end.

I can't even walk through a pet store without Hubby because he knows that I'll probably come home with another pet if he's not there to stop me.

For me, the problem with movies like Marley and Me is that
WARNING: "SPOILERS for "Marley and Me"!!!" spoilers below
it doesn't matter if the relationship is done well or not. If the dog is cute and well-behaved, I can fall in love with the dog in the first few minutes of the movie, and then I'll cry if the dog dies at the end.

I can't even walk through a pet store without Hubby because he knows that I'll probably come home with another pet if he's not there to stop me.
I don't allow myself to be easily manipulated like that. At the end of the day i know it's not real and whatever sad things happen didn't actually so the film has to actually work to make me care.

Speaking just for myself, it's not that I'm manipulated by the movie, it's that I don't like it when a pet (mainly dogs) dies. It's just not entertaining or moving to me. It makes me angry that the filmmakers tried to manipulate me or would try, if I watched their movie. Now that you've made it clear about Marley and Me, Camo, I might give it a try some day. I can deal with the whole
WARNING: spoilers below
normal lifespan

Now movies like Cujo, I'm like "Die, sucker, die!"
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Fully agree regarding The Champ and the Casino scene mentioned!

A few more...

Good Will Hunting - “It’s not your fault”

A Simple Plan - the final scene between Billy Bob and Bill Paxton. Heartbreaking

Children of the Corn II - voodoo doll scene with the nosebleed

The Wicker Man - fire scene. Being carried by that big oaf and not being able to do anything about it. Come to think of it...all scenes showing characters being burnt alive are extremely distressing for me (Last of Mohicans, Silent Hill, Game of Thrones etc)

Platoon and The Wild Geese - similar scenes of our favourite characters being left behind

Dead Man’s Shoes - not one particular scene, but the movie as a whole. Especially more so after the reveal and how it stays in your mind for days whilst you reflect on it all. Great film

The cull in Outback (aka Wake In Fright) is a scene I simply won't watch after having seen it once, it's not so much that it's real life footage which was incorporated into the movie but that imo it's so unnecessarily protracted. Shame 'cos up to that point it's a fun watch.

Anything with teeth getting smashed gets under my skin, for example William H. Macy falling off the ladder in Magnolia.

Pvt. Mellishs (Adam Goldberg) final fight scene in Saving Private Ryan.

Oldboy - While the tongue cutting scene gets all the notoriety that octopus eating scene bothers me more.

Forgot about the buried alive scene in Kill Bill II. Still go in a claustrophobic panic just thinking about it...
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Forgot about the buried alive scene in Kill Bill II. Still go in a claustrophobic panic just thinking about it...
Have you seen Buried? That was not a walk in the park for a claustrophobic. There's another one where a guy keeps getting shut in a morgue bay for torture puproses but it freaked me out so much I forgot it.

Edit to add: I cant recall if what made me forget this movie was my claustrophobia or Kiera Knightly

Dead Man’s Shoes - not one particular scene, but the movie as a whole. Especially more so after the reveal and how it stays in your mind for days whilst you reflect on it all. Great film
My favourite.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

I don't actually wear pants.
Schindler's List
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Hotel Rwanda (apologies if already posted)

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I Spit on Your Grave has a very uncomfortable scene... that lasts way longer then it should.
Only one? 90% of the whole thing made me feel ill and deeply saddened. The Saw movies can't even compare to how disturbing this movie is.

But that's why I believe it's so powerful. It shows what horrors the world is capable of, and how we're not doing enough to prevent them. Though I still feel sorry for the mentally handicapped guy, as it also shows how easily people can be coerced into doing things they KNOW are wrong, but will be judged for if they don't submit to it.

What are the hardest scenes for you to watch? For emotional or horror cringy worthy reasons?
At the moment I'd have to say the Alien Covenant 's

WARNING: spoilers below
chestburster scene. You can have a look at the dedicated thread to read why it bothered me so much (and it's not the effects work ).

More recently there was a pretty gnarly scene in Baskin that was hard-going.

That scene from Irréversible.
I read that so many times. Never seen the film myself but it's obviously very highly thought of.