Fully agree regarding The Champ and the Casino scene mentioned!
A few more...
Good Will Hunting - “It’s not your fault”
A Simple Plan - the final scene between Billy Bob and Bill Paxton. Heartbreaking
Children of the Corn II - voodoo doll scene with the nosebleed
The Wicker Man - fire scene. Being carried by that big oaf and not being able to do anything about it. Come to think of it...all scenes showing characters being burnt alive are extremely distressing for me (Last of Mohicans, Silent Hill, Game of Thrones etc)
Platoon and The Wild Geese - similar scenes of our favourite characters being left behind
Dead Man’s Shoes - not one particular scene, but the movie as a whole. Especially more so after the reveal and how it stays in your mind for days whilst you reflect on it all. Great film