After delivering some wine to a convenience store today I decided I wanted an ice cream bar. I picked one out, went to the counter, and the cashier told me $1.99. I gave him $2.00 and stood there for a moment when he said, "do you want your penny?" I was caught off guard but said yes immediately, not because I needed the penny obviously. I thought this was poor form by the cashier. Has this happened to anyone else?
Several years ago, I was in a store in the mall and my total was something ending with 96 cents. (I don't remember the dollar amount, but it was probably only a few dollars.) When the cashier gave me my change, she only gave me the bills, but no coins. Her comment was "
I don't have any pennies, so I'm keeping the 4 cents.". She didn't
ask me. She just
told me that that's what she was doing.
I told her that wasn't okay, it was MY 4 cents, and it she didn't have any pennies, she could give me a nickel instead. She refused, and when I asked to speak to the manager, she said that she
was the manager, so I reported her to Mall Security for theft.
The Mall security guard went with me to the store, and threatened to arrest her over the 4 cents if she didn't give it to me. He explained that even though it was a small amount, it was still theft. She gave me a nickel, and I left.
The next day, I called the store and reported what she did to the actual manager of the store, and after that, I never saw her in that store again, so I assume that she was fired over it.