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80s Robot fighting movie


Careful, man. There's a beverage here!
I saw a movie when I was a kid that had huge Transformers/Power Rangers type robots that were operated by a human inside. In this movie, the fights were a spectator sport, in a stadium or arena of sorts. I remember one of the fights going wrong or something and maybe crashing into the spectator seating. I know this is vague, but all I have are a few images in my head. It had to have been made somewhere between 1980 - 1990.
Obscure Movie Tees actually designed for REAL movie lovers. If you don't get it, don't get it.

Hi, im looking for a name on a movie from the 80s that i saw it when i was just a little boy, the scenes i remember was: a guy using some sort of kung fu against a huge black robot inside his apartment and in the end of the movie he had a black suit case with small mini robots whit missiles on them fighting the huge robot. I first thought it was jackie chan but i may be wrong.

Plz help me find this movie

hmm no its not that one, i remeber 1 scene they guy jumps in to the water when getting chased by bad guys when on his motorcycle and then he jumps down in to the water and it transformes in to a jetski ^^ he also fights the robot in his apartment so the robot is like 3.2 meters high

sorry i cant write hahaha . he jumps in to the water on his bike and he pushes a button and it transformes in to a jet ski

hahah ty m8 thats the one ty alot!!!!