Grill a MoFo


No you're not. It's like if we're gone for a week, half the people forget us, and the other half are new, so they don't know us. Trust me, I know. I felt the same way, a couple months ago.
I'll get your's going again.

If you do, we'll find out.
Hee Hee

Happy New Year from Philly!
I would like to be grilled over a low flame and sauteed in butter and garlic, please.
Louise Vale first woman to play Jane Eyre in the flickers.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
did i miss out on the grill a gunny thread?
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

I've ended up like Cajun blackened catfish in regular posts already. Think anyone would be interested now?

I would like to be freezed...

Okay that sucked.
Saully's Reviews
Latest Review: 300

Are you really wanting one made for yourself? Let me know. It won't be a problem.
Anyone else?
Yes please