>1986 Man is ordered to dig his own grave, but refill it by another guy


I remember watching this movie when I was little, in 1986 or 1987 when they would show movies on Fox on Sunday afternoon, so I'm not sure of the actual date it came out, but it is no older than 1987.

All I remember is this guy who was (possibly) in prison or a military setting who was ordered by someone with authority to dig a hole, presumably his grave and then later was ordered by another person with authority to fill the hole back in. Can't remember what happened beyond that, but I would LOVE to know what movie this was! Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!!!

There is a scene like that in "Cool Hand Luke" but that is from 1967. In that movie, the guy (Paul Newman) who is ordered to dig the hole is in prison.
Life wasn't meant to be easy - Malcolm Fraser (Former Prime Minister of Australia)

That's it!!!! Thanks!

Glad to help j333walk. Once in a blue moon I do manage to answer a question on this board.

Not so long back, silver7 also asked about your wanted movie but remembered a different scene from it. Please check this link: