Give me horrible movies that were never on MST3K


It's Only Weird If You Make It Weird

But that's a good good movie! Not a good bad movie!
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But that's a good good movie! Not a good bad movie!

If you say so. We will have to agree to disagree. My friends and I may be in the minority on that movie, but the emperor has no clothes and Eraserhead is a bad, bad movie.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
If you say so. We will have to agree to disagree. My friends and I may be in the minority on that movie, but the emperor has no clothes and Eraserhead is a bad, bad movie.
I saw that movie once and it bored me to death.

Welcome to the human race...
It's one thing not to like Eraserhead, but the idea of treating it as "bad movie night" material on par with something like Alien From L.A. is more incomprehensible than Eraserhead itself.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Are you looking to jokes through some bad movies yourself or do something like mst3k and show it online somewhere?

In other words are you looking for movies that no longer have rights to them?

I thought about doing something like mst3k but using some kind of Puppets were Muppets of my own.

In finding movies either they haven't done or tried to do my own jokes on some of the ones they have done.

But then add some kind of system where the hecklers also can use the a b option and other things on a remote to make it funnier. But then do it like it's a special power they have instead of actually using the remote.

I remember on Black Sheep using a b option when Chris Farley broke the bunk bed and fell on top of David Spade while he was laughing at him, over and over again. Or have Rachel Dawes slap Bruce Wayne about 20 times in the car before telling him that his father would be ashamed of him. Lol