Sherlock (The BBC Series)


Anyone else a fan?

BBC's Sherlock is easily my favorite spin on Sherlock Holmes (No hate towards Downey & Law) and it is my #3 favorite tv show(Behind The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones of course).

This show introduced me to Benedict Cumberbatch who is now my favorite actor working today as well. I knew who Martin Freeman was beforehand. This version of Sherlock blew me away when I first watched it and it hasn't failed to impress again and again every season. Even with only 3 episodes a season I still am not complaining as each season keeps giving us quality entertainment.

Season 4(or series 4 depending where you're from) will be the first season to showcase FOUR episodes, starting with a Victorian era special January 2016, then airing the 3 other episodes in Jan 2017. I cannot wait.

I was really hesitant about the idea of a modern day Holmes and resisted watching it, but Funny Face (also my IRL friend) insisted that I give it a try. So glad she did. I love the writing and the dynamic between Cumberbatch and Freeman. It's a lot of fun. Can't wait for the new season.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I own a mug that says, "Aren't ordinary people adorable?"

I LOVE this show. I've watched the episodes so much I know them by heart. I absolutely adore Cumberbatch and Freeman and even the rest of the cast.

It's a great show.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Big fan here, some great episodes especially season 2 episode 1 and 3. Episode 2 from every series has felt a bit like filler. Season 3 is a big drop off in quality but still very good.

Big fan here, some great episodes especially season 2 episode 1 and 3. Episode 2 from every series has felt a bit like filler. Season 3 is a big drop off in quality but still very good.
I always thought season 1 episode 2, was the worst of the season. As you said just a filler. Episode 1 and 3 was awesome.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I know some people don't like season 3 but I love it. As I've read, the canon has Sherlock and John continue to explore their relationship so that's not against the original stories. I enjoyed the wedding a lot and especially love the drunk scene.

I also think that the 3rd episode where Sherlock is shot is some of the best television I have EVER seen.

I know some people don't like season 3 but I love it. As I've read, the canon has Sherlock and John continue to explore their relationship so that's not against the original stories. I enjoyed the wedding a lot and especially love the drunk scene.

I also think that the 3rd episode where Sherlock is shot is some of the best television I have EVER seen.
Yeah I love every season tbh and I can't wait for Season 4

Unfortunately guys Season 4 has been pushed to 2017, Cumberbatch and Freeman are some busy guys.

The Christmas special is still coming this year but we gotta wait until 2017 for Season 4 which sucks....

Still excited for it.

A poster for the Christmas Special (technically it is now coming after Christmas though so there's that) is out there. Can already order it on DVD on amazon which I am very tempted to do. Season/Series 4 isn't coming until 2017 at the earliest. Just to assure some of you they have confirmed there is no "time travel" it is just a one-off special set in Victorian times, most likely to keep us fans at bay while they work out when they can do Series 4. I assume they are still working on the story, scripts, etc.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Anyone catch the new episode then? Series 4 episode 1.

Very disappointed personally, give it maybe 5/10. Hopefully the next 2 will be a BIG improvement.

I saw it. I liked it but it definitely wasn't up to par with the earlier episodes. Also the thing with Mary just seemed to come out of nowhere.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The first 20 minutes was good, I was actually enjoying the car death mystery and the Thatcher heads plot and then the episode did what the last series did a bit and went "Sherlock is was too superpowered now for an actual mystery", then it turned into a crappy spy drama with a VERY bad ending.

I liked the S4 premiere but I gotta agree, Mary's death felt very forced & half-assed. I get they wanna create immense tension between Holmes and Watson and I had a feeling Mary was dying this season but the way they went about it was pretty bad. Nobody would have the reaction time to jump in front of a bullet like that, its a cheesy film trope. It would of made more sense if Mary would of gotten shot tackling Sherlock out of the way not jumping in front of him to take the hit. She just became a mother why would she knowingly sacrifice herself like that? You know why? PLOT. This show is usually better at handling stuff like that so it was a bit disappointing.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Its like the series hit an immensely high water mark with S2E1 and S2E3 that they will never come close to again sadly.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Season Four hasn't really held my attention. Frankly, the series has become far too complicated and convoluted, whereas, the previous seasons strived with their straightforward simplicity. Mary's character as a whole is completely unneeded and ridiculous. I don't know why they have brought Mary into this like they have, but while watching the first episode, an occurrence happened that I hadn't felt during Sherlock, I was bored. In Season Three, while it was a step-down from the previous seasons, I was never bored with it. The second episode was a lot better, in my opinion, really having a lot of fun with the cinematography, editing and stylization, as well as a narrative that held my attention. Then, the "reveal" at the end. All it did was make it a lot more needlessly complicated and ridiculous.