Anyone else a fan?
BBC's Sherlock is easily my favorite spin on Sherlock Holmes (No hate towards Downey & Law) and it is my #3 favorite tv show(Behind The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones of course).
This show introduced me to Benedict Cumberbatch who is now my favorite actor working today as well. I knew who Martin Freeman was beforehand. This version of Sherlock blew me away when I first watched it and it hasn't failed to impress again and again every season. Even with only 3 episodes a season I still am not complaining as each season keeps giving us quality entertainment.
Season 4(or series 4 depending where you're from) will be the first season to showcase FOUR episodes, starting with a Victorian era special January 2016, then airing the 3 other episodes in Jan 2017. I cannot wait.
Last edited by AdamUpBxtch; 01-04-17 at 06:17 PM.