AI... by Steven Spielberg

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This film is as enchanting as it is haunting and for me it truly embodies the magic of cinema. Hayley Joel Osmond's acting is beyond his years and his performance transitioning from an empty robot shell to a sentient machine is impressively performed. Is his character David sentient though? Or is he a perfect imitation of a real boy? It seems like a question impossible to answer but the scene in The Flesh fair where David pleads for his life makes me believe he is. It's a shame though that this film is so disliked it's something I'll never understand myself as personally I found it very captivating. The 2000 years time jump shows us machines in the future that look like organic life forms and are capable of feelings and complex thoughts and like us and driven by curiosity. Weather there driven just as much with lust and greed we're never know. The fact that in the end of the film we humans become relics I found a haunting concept which is entirely plausible if we do give birth to AI in the future. I love the scene where the super advanced machine is trying to explain to David how important he is but unlike them David is a prisoner to his programming and has a longing for his mother that will never fade no matter how many years go by. David is relatable in meny ways to us but he'll never be accepted by humankind as the character Joe says "They love what you do for them but they will never love you David.

My rating 9/10

It's been too long since I've seen this movie to try and answer the detailed questions, but I loved A.I. as well. Jude Law was superb!