Upcoming Animated Musicals Hall of Fame


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This is my first time running a Hall of Fame, so we may have to work out some bugs together, but I'll do my best to make everyone happy.

For those of you who don't know how a HoF works, everyone who joins nominates one movie. In this case, it will be an Animated Musical Movie.

Once all the nominations are in, (we'll work together to decide on a good deadline for this), everyone who nominated a movie will watch all the movies, in whatever order you want to watch them, and then we will discuss them here on the board.

When we're done watching all the movies, (we'll agree on a deadline for this too), everyone who joined will PM me a list of the movies, ranked #1 - however many movies were nominated, and then I will calculate the votes and announce the winner.

I haven't had a chance to compile the rules yet, but I will list the rules in this post tomorrow. If you have any questions, please ask.

You can start calling "dibs" on your nominations now right here in this thread.

Members and their nominations:
Ðèstîñy - Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Swan - The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Miss Vicky - Charlotte's Web (1973)
Camo - South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999)
Monkeypunch - The Jungle Book (1967)
Gbgoodies - Anastasia (1997)
Nope1172 - The Lion King (1994)
Gatsby - Fantasia (1940)
Sane - Allegro Non Troppo (1976)
Friendly Mushroom! - Pinocchio (1940)
The Gunslinger45 - Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Jiraffejustin - Sita Sings the Blues (2008)
SilentVamp - Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Beauty and the Beast

Now how fast was that!?!

Now I have to think about this! Yeah, you beat me to it! Congratulations! But I think it is just your evil genius self at work again! You know you're to blame for last night's events.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
That's funny because I was thinking that whoever picks Beauty and the Beast will probably win.

I'm probably the only one who wasn't going to pick that because I like to pick movies that I think are underrated and underseen.

BTW, I watched a little bit of Team America, and if Camo wants to nominate it, it's okay with me if it's okay with everyone else. It's not really animated, but it's not live-action either, so I'll allow it in this HoF if nobody objects.


Now I have to think about this! Yeah, you beat me to it! Congratulations! But I think it is just your evil genius self at work again! You know you're to blame for last night's events.
Actually, I just hold a severely high score for getting around on this board. My banning record is insane. Something like 22 seconds 3 times, and then 34 seconds for the last. I move like greased lightening, girl friend!

I'd like to nominate The Nightmare Before Christmas.

I'm hoping someone else nominates Fantasia. I haven't seen it since I was a kid, so I can't really nominate it as I don't remember much about it, but I've been meaning to rewatch it.

BTW, I watched a little bit of Team America, and if Camo wants to nominate it, it's okay with me if it's okay with everyone else. It's not really animated, but it's not live-action either, so I'll allow it in this HoF if nobody objects.
I don't care. To me, whoever runs the famer, should decide everything. I'm too easy going, I suppose. I just like for it to be peaceful. I like peaceful. I REALLY LIKE PEACEFUL!!!

Well crap. Why don't you take Nightmare and I'll take Charlotte's Web then, Swan.
Thanks Vicky, appreciate it.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Actually, I just hold a severely high score for getting around on this board. My banning record is insane. Something like 22 seconds 3 times, and then 34 seconds for the last. I move like greased lightening, girl friend!
Well, I have to be honest. For one brief moment I looked at Pinterest. And I went back and there it was! All that went through my mind was "Not again!".

Well, I have 2 films in my mind. I will think about it tonight and if nobody has said anything, I will announce my nomination tomorrow.

One question though, does Fantasia even count as a musical? It's set to classical pieces, but to me a musical involves characters singing, which Fantasia lacks.

Sorry for being a d earlier GBG . South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut?
Oh that's a good one. I love "It's Easy, M'kay".

Sorry for being a d earlier GBG . South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut?
Ugh. That won't score high with me. Then again, being that this is an animated musicals HOF and I dislike most musicals, it's hard to say how well/poorly it will actually do on my ballot

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
One question though, does Fantasia even count as a musical? It's set to classical pieces, but to me a musical involves characters singing, which Fantasia lacks.

I'm trying to be as lenient as possible with the nominations so that everyone's happy, so as long as nobody objects, Fantasia would be eligible.

But I knew I should have added a comment about no spider movies.
Just kidding.

Ugh. That won't score high with me. Then again, being that this is an animated musicals HOF and I dislike most musicals, it's hard to say how well/poorly it will actually do on my ballot

I'd be happy to make SFS like bets on what MV will like. Except MV doesn't like anything . And I don't cheat