The deadline for the Top Musicals list is TOMORROW! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here

G'day MO FO


Welcome, Richie Rich!

Got a couple of bucks I can borrow?

Check... check one... check one, tchew... tchew for tchew hundred and twenchy-tchew...

Welcome back to the SCG... or just welcome to MoFo... as the case may be.

Oops, sorry, wrong Richie

Lived for a few years in Sydney during the 90's and went to uni there, although it's no doubt changed a lot since I last lived there, lol

to MoFo!

[quote=Taz;2475989] Lived for a few years in Sydney during the 90's and went to uni there, although it's no doubt changed a lot since I last lived there, lol

Has changed just a touch Taz. You from the Apple Isle by any chance?

RIP 2002-2010
Welcome, welcome! If you get time, you can put your top 10 films in your profile. I always enjoy seeing what people include. Yeah, sadly in an age of TikTok, facebook, and snapchat... message board forums are going to way of the buffalo... but this forum has been around for decades and going as strong as ever. Hope you like it.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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