Battlestar Galactica: Final Season (SPOILERS)


I suppose you're right, PW, about the time-space thing. And yeah, if Kara went through the wormhole, and it was a time-warp wormhole, just as her first ship exploded, then the second Kara that didn't die could easily have come back, ship intact (although their inspection said it was "brand new," not just "not exploded" -- how does your theory explain the ship getting newer than before she left?), with no memory of the two months she was away. (She thought it was merely a few hours.) It would also explain why her memories up to that point are intact.
Its a theory. There is also the possibility that they are going to follow the route (as they have a few times in the past) of the previous show. In the original version Starbuck and Apollo both disappeared (after an explosion) on an alien space craft that was completely white in color. After a awhile they were returned to their fleet unharmed and in new ships as well. If I recall correctly in that show we don't find out who they were either.

So I hope they don't go that route.

As far as her ship goes I can't really offer a very good theory there. Since no one really knows what happens when one enters a wormhole then perhaps its feasible that you could just chalk it up to a freak occurence inside the wormhole.

It still doesn't explain how a ship that exploded in space FAR from Earth ended up on Earth. I don't recall, but didn't it explode OUTSIDE the wormhole, before it entered? And that's why Apollo saw it, because he was right there also outside the wormhole?
This can also be easily explained, any number of things could have exploded. We only assume it was kara's ship. And again we're getting to close to the dicey time/space factor. There's no defined limits to the size of a wormhole so although it appeared that kara blew up in this time she could just as easily been blowing up in earth's atmosphere and we were witnessing a mirror image or some kind of cosmic television. And remember, its just my little theory about a dual kara, it could just as easily be 3 or 4 or 100 kara's once you break through the timeline. I mean, who knows? Anything is possible though.

Not explaining the time-space continuum is one thing, but some of this stuff is just sloppy writing and plot holes. They've gotta know that BSG nerds nitpick this stuff to DEATH and they'd never get away with making sloppy mistakes, right? (right??)
I don't know if I agree but you may be right. I'm looking forward to the day when I can sit and watch this whole series back to back to back and see how it all holds up. As I'm sure you'll remember my main complaints with the writing up to this point is the constant "who's the Cylon?" thing that got pretty old. I'll have to wait until a re-watch to see how this ends up to see if its totally full of holes or if it flows you know? So far though it appears to flowing pretty well.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

The Adventure Starts Here!
Yeah, I don't mean to sound like I'm just griping. I actually LIKE that this show always makes me think far ahead of what we're actually watching. (Just like "Lost" does too.)

I guess I just find this show SO good and SO well done that any nitpicks seem bigger than is probably fair....

I am excited to be in the throes of the wrap-up of the story, even if it means no more new BSG. As sad as I'll be, it does feel like it's time to tell the story's ending too.

And of course, we always have the upcoming "Caprica" series to look forward to....

A system of cells interlinked
I loved it.The whole episode was all stark contrast and burnt texture. I thought it was really painterly. I am still letting the details froth about before discussing further...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The Adventure Starts Here!
I'm rewatching parts of it now. When Leoben called out the stuff on the tail he found in the grass -- 757 NC -- I thought he'd found part of a jet, a 757, from our time. I was quickly proved wrong, though, eh?

And I am watching Dualla more closely this time. The signals are there but I was sure they were bringing her to the fore for other reasons and so didn't anticipate what happened.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Aus: I am sure you chuckled when the camera panned over the "Frak Earth!" tag sprayed on the wall...
And yes, I noted the spelling too.

Because we all know that graffiti is never misspelled, right?

A system of cells interlinked
PW - They did indeed explain who the crystal ship entities were in the old show, or alluded to it, anyway. Count Ibli was the devil himself, and the crystal ship were the angels that tormented him...

Huzzah, i caught up, finally.

For the episode first of all; i thought Dualla was the Final with the obvious focus put onto her and even thought Kara was misdirection, as well as Dualla's suicide. I expected her to just get up from the slab and that be the twist. Someone said that the Final reveal wasn't quite as WTF as he expected and do agree, it doesn't have any immediate implications to the current situation, save offering a bit of cohesion to Earth and Caprica. At least it wasn't disappointing nor did it seem like a cop out, save for the fact they could have made it any deceased character.

For speculation's sake, not that i'm ever any good at that with this show- i was mainly swinging to what PW was saying when watching it but after 2K wouldn't she have decomposed a bit more? And if she did destroy the planet, how did she manage that without leaving her Viper. I might wikipedia the colonies history because the 13th one being cylons tripped me about a bit because don't remember cylons being around forever.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Also, I take it the final five don't do the goo bath thing either. We saw Ellen die a LONG while ago and she never reappeared anywhere. So they die and are reborn like other cylon skin jobs ... but yet not like them, because they wait, what? 2000 years? and only THEN are reborn? and elsewhere or randomly? and they don't take their consciousnesses with them? or, at least, not all of them (since they were having minor flashbacks with the music)...

And then, just what is the music? Is it calling them back into action? or away from their present circumstances into the NEXT incarnation? Is it Ellen making the music (since she's the only one of the five who has died this time around)? They'll still have to explain what it is and why they were all hearing it, IMHO. Seems like some sort of outside force or entity "activating" them in some way.

I'm curious to see just how many loose ends we're going to be left with. I don't mind a few tendrils, but I won't like a LOT of loose ends. It shouldn't smell like a setup for a sequel, in another words....

Maybe one of the cylon children turns out to be a young Ellen? Do any of the births coincide with her death? I can't remember. I'm assuming it didn't take 2000 years for their rebirth and is a constant cylce, although that could tie in with the Kara travelling through time thing but then how would they have become revered in cylon mythology. Train of thought, apologies lol

The Adventure Starts Here!
Well, the others were born before she died, right? (Hera and the Tyrol baby). BUT, what about the baby of the Six that's pregnant? (Is that Tigh's baby for sure?)

That'd be more than a little weird, eh?

Actually, I assume now that Ellen has had her "shot" in this incarnation and has died yet again ... and that wherever the final five end up next is far into the future and elsewhere. Unless there's no pattern to their rebirths, or unless they have only the one rebirth.

I gather; since I'm the first one here almost a full day later. That, I'm not alone in the overall 'meh' ness of last nights episode?

In some ways its good that the show is coming to end, because frankly I'm pretty tired of all the infighting. I find it pretty irritating that even though these people are well into the future of mankind they still can't come together on anything. And now it appears we are going to spend the last few episodes dealing with virtually the same issues that were dealt with in the first season.

I found myself thinking repeatedly that I would just love for Adama and Roslin to just hop a shuttle and go find some rock to finish living out their lives on. Because I'll tell you what. The majority of the survivors in the fleet are completely ungrateful dogs that deserve whatever fate they receive when they follow Zarek and Gaeta or the prohet Baltar.

There's 8 eps left so maybe I'll get my wish. These people deserve eachother and I can't stand most of them.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Last night's episode disappointed me too. Elsewhere online someone mentioned that, if this were one season instead of a split season like this, THIS would have been one of those filler-type episodes.

I felt weird watching Tigh and the Six get all gushy over the ultrasound and making lovey-dovey eyes at each other. Yuck ... and oddly out of character for the otherwise loyal Tigh.

And why did they throw in the paternity issue with Tyrol? Is there something TO this? Did they have to narrow down the cylon-infused baby population for some reason plot-wise? It would be interesting if I hadn't been sitting here thinking, "We only have eight episodes left. GET ON WITH IT ALREADY."

Honestly -- eight eps left ... And still so many questions to answer. Granted, this IS what would be happening given the circumstances of Earth being a disappointment -- infighting, suicides, depression, etc. But I began to feel suffocated that they were showing us so much of it (is ANYBODY in a good mood except Tigh and the Six?) ... with so little episodic time left.

With all the show hype for this half-season (You Will Know the Truth, and Who Is the Final Cylon? etc.), last night's episode seemed a bit off-track.

I hope I am just wrong and that it was merely a transition into a great wrap up of the series. But last night was the first time I wondered if I was going to be wholly disappointed in their choices for the ending.

Sorry, I DVR'd the episode and only got to see it last night.

I think the Tyrol thing is probably somewhat significant, for the reason you mentioned: now there's just one hybrid baby out there. In past threads we talked about how everyone was making a big deal out of Hera, but no one was making a big deal out of Nicki/Nicky/whatever his name is. Now, that makes a lot more sense. Nobody's having visions about him because he's just a normal kid. Pretty weird in that it doesn't seem like Cally, but maybe more will come out to explain it. Even if it's not major plot development, though, I'd say it's character development.

The ultrasound scene was bizarre. Courtney and I were laughing -- I told her to imagine jumping from the middle of, say, season 1 or 2, directly to this scene, with Tigh and Caprica Six holding hands looking at their baby. How weird.

I would have liked to have seen a lot more of the philosophical arguments about whether or not to band together with the cylons. All we got was "we need to" vs. "no! They're cylons!" That's not like this often as not they use this stuff as a jumping-off point to discuss the nature of being human. It felt ripe for an Adama speech about how the cylons that have chosen to side with them were more "human" than the humans who have betrayed them, etc. There wasn't any depth to the dispute, though.

At the same time, I get why people are reticent. They had to go from "cylons are our mortal enemies" to "we're going to ally with them" in what must be just, what, 6-7 months? Something like that. The whole thing feels a little forced, and I can only assume that's because there's been a lack of scenes devoted to people struggling with the growing integration.

Oh, and the Roslin-Adama administration! Heard that phrase tossed around a lot, but it kind of took on a new meaning there in the last five minutes, didn't it? That's what I'm calling their little love affair from now on: The Roslin-Adama administration.

Earlier in the series, I was hoping they wouldn't get together, but I like how long it took. I like that it was so gradual, and that they thought so little of each other to begin with. And as much as I usually hate characters getting together just because, this one made a lot of sense. She's nearing the end of her life, and just doesn't have any willpower left to devote to things like decorum or managing public perception, so she goes after what she simply wants, and convinces him that he's earned the right to do the same. Really well handled, very believable, and awfully sweet.

Still weird, though.

Oh, and I liked Zarek's speech about what it's like to be in prison. Thought it was very perceptive. Not that I've been in prison, but his reasoning and thought process made sense to me.

No real answers in this episode, obviously, so it did feel somewhat needless. But I'm not going to judge it was necessary to establish the growing tension about cylon-human integration, which is clearly going to lead to a mutiny next episode, which will probably have a major effect on the rest of the episodes. So I'll chalk this up as being necessary so that the mutiny doesn't feel like a blindside.

The Adventure Starts Here!
All very true, Yods. It was necessary to establish growing tension ... but I think it failed in that. Oh sure, it SHOWED us that tension, almost too much too fast. As you pointed out, we went from being very clear on cylons being the enemy (aside from some very rare cases like Athena) to what? The entire fleet knows who the final four are and just goes about their business? There was this huge angst when Tigh outed himself to Adama, and suddenly now all is hunky-dory there and he's allowed to gush over an ultrasound with the Six and no one's finding that odd anymore except a few characters who are instead overreacting (Gaeta)?

Is no one simply quietly unsettled and wary but not one extreme or the other? I would think that is where the *vast* majority of people would be -- understanding much of the reasoning behind allying with the rebel cylons but being very uncomfortable with it. The "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" stuff.

I guess that's what irked me about the episode -- the fact, as you stated, that it feels too rushed, too extreme too fast. And yet, at the same time, I feel as if nothing really "happened" in this episode. There are SO many HUGE philosophical and historical questions they still have to answer (about Earth and its cylon population, the music -- I ain't lettin' that one go! -- Starbuck's odd status as some other type of being, etc.). And yet they spend a whole episode just shoving our face in "growing tension." I felt like, "Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it. Now, move on. Nothing to see here!"

I'm also relieved that you laughed at the ultrasound scene. I was watching the show alone and had no one else to gauge the scene with, but I kept thinking how surreal it was ... and just WEIRD. Granted, I could see Tigh being thrilled at the prospect of being a father, no problem there. But then he should have simply been focused on the ultrasound itself and not making ga-ga eyes at the Six.

And honestly, shouldn't she know by now not to just start spouting stuff like, "This is the future of the entire cylon race!" in a room full of humans? Wasn't she recently tortured and imprisoned by these same humans? You'd think she would have been bright enough to understand the uneasy truce involved here.

But again, I bet that this is part of having to cram a lot of "transition" into one episode, so we're supposed to think that all these changes happened at some point in between that they didn't show us.

I doubt it. It seems to this reporter that they are going to spend most of the final season settling personal scores with each other. Oh well. We'll get a few things tied up here and there I suppose but it is a bummer that most of the last season is going to be spent with the fleet deconstructing. Perhaps it's the romantic in me that wanted a little more of a 'happy' ending to it all. But the writers of the show seem to be going out of their way to make the majority of these people so unlikeable.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I don't feel any differently.

What's frustrating is that this show has spent how many years touting the "We're looking for Earth" thing (right in the opening credits most of the time too) ... and we saw Earth for, what? Half of one episode?

Everything now seems anticlimactic, frankly. You're right -- no one's likable right now. I'm not even sure which side I'm on.

I would hate for the show to go out on a "petty" note like this. It's always been an overarching story, and now it seems like it was gone in a moment. Granted, I realize this would help us understand actual events as they're experiencing them -- the same frustration and anger, etc. -- but this IS a TV show, first and foremost. To not wrap up the story in some sort of fulfilling way that comes full circle would be heartbreaking at this point.

Realistic though that might be, it still would make me as a viewer feel cheated. I am a viewer, after all, and not a member of the fleet.

Right, because the way things are going now just makes me think they should have stayed on 'New Caprica' even though the Cylons were running things. At least that season was interesting.