Scariest Scene in a movie


Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
the Shining: those twins in the hallway, ohhhh man that is still creepy at night time.
I was eight or nine when I first saw The Shining... that part and the whole ending scared the crap out of me.

oh dead god when the girl in the exorcist walked down the stairs like a spider i freaked out, that part still scares me to death.

Originally Posted by ilikemovies
oh dead god when the girl in the exorcist walked down the stairs like a spider i freaked out, that part still scares me to death.
Ok, I have never seen this part in the movie. Is it in the extended version or something? I saw an extended version at Video Update but it was out. So for all the people who've seen it, is it any better than the original? because I've only seen the original.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
Ok, I have never seen this part in the movie. Is it in the extended version or something? I saw an extended version at Video Update but it was out. So for all the people who've seen it, is it any better than the original? because I've only seen the original.
yeah its in "The Exorcist: the version you've never seen before" it's a damn scary scene.

Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
hm...In The Thing when they did the first blood test (i think) and that one guy tested positive. all who have seen it know what im talking about.
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ugh, i feel like such a crybaby, scardy-cat, girly man fuggin kiddy; i couldnt get to sleep last night after watching 'the blair witch project' [never saw it before, didnt know much about it going into it]. scared me as white as a kleagle in the pale moonlight right from the word "go". why, i broke out in a cold sweat and felt my pulse raise just at the old "crazy woman" describing the witch. thought "maybe i'm getting sick" but no such luck. i'm just a big fat wimp.

Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
that was a scary movie when i saw it for the first time too...and it was even scarier cause my house is surrounded by trees. lol.

Originally Posted by raziry
I think the scariest scene in a movie will have to be in The Excorcist when Reagan is in the hospital and then she suddenly sees a white pale face with sharp teeth. I couldn't go to sleep after that one. Also when she chases her mother down the stairs in her spider position. That was really horrible!
I will definitely agree.

The first time I saw The Exorcist I was scared to death.

The Exorcist is the type of movie you feel like your gonna go to hell just by watching it. Whether that be a good or bad thing. I say it is quite an achievement for a movie.

Not to mention the movie is based on a true story. (but of course there is alot of hollywood mixed in with it.)
"I don't think there's anything to be afraid of. Failure brings great rewards -- in the life of an artist."---Quentin Tarantino

I only recently saw the Exorcist and am actually amazed that people now think it's scary... but whatever.

The Sixth Sense also scared me... In particular the scene when the little boy runs to get in his clipped together tent and the clothes pins start coming undone... Freaks me out what might be getting ready to come after him.

the exorcist scared the sh*t out of me. but the scene when regan runs down the stairs like a spider didnt scare me at all. it was so quick. all she did was run down and blood came out of her mouth. when everyone on this thread was talking about it i got all excited and i finialy bought the DVD.(which i was planning to buy even if you guys didnt say anything about that scene.) i watched it ready to get freaked out by that scene and it was pretty dumb.
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

xResidentEvil3x's Avatar
Oh, yes. There will be blood....
Resident Evil - When they are all trapped in that tiny hallway with the gazillion lights, and that laser is coming towards them, then finally reaches the point when it has to turn into cubes and it clices that dude up.

The Ring - Yeah, I'm a huge horror freak, and for some odd reason, this movie just literally made me piss my pants.

Halloween - IDK, I guess every series movie (escept number 3) when Michael Myers appears out of nowhere.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Some of the scenes in Alien made me jump.

The "face hugger" scene.

Dallas(Tom Skerritt) in the airshaft.

When the cat jumps out of the locker.

Registered User
Like a couple of people have said, the scene in The Shining, every time it took a shot of the two little girls, I was just really creeped out. I wasn't scared, but the whole sequence of Danny and Jack in the maze really got my heart racing.

Originally Posted by raziry
I think the scariest scene in a movie will have to be in The Excorcist when Reagan is in the hospital and then she suddenly sees a white pale face with sharp teeth. I couldn't go to sleep after that one. Also when she chases her mother down the stairs in her spider position. That was really horrible!
Man I know what your talking about! I was watching that with my friend for the first time one night, and that caught me totally off guard! Yeah I had difficulty falling to sleep with that face in mind.
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Originally Posted by notorious dmp
I'd say when samona crawls out of the tv.

when you see that dead girl in the closet.

and something else.

all from the ring.
Couldn't agree more.
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The Ring never managed to really scare me (with the possible exception of the scene where she falls into the well and I was expecting something more horrific than the actual scene that ensued, and even then it was more "expectation" than "scared")... Likewise with The Blair Witch Project... I expected to be so freaked out that I never really was. Sometimes I think the hype the movies get telling you how scary they are actually takes away from the scare factor. If I'm expecting it I'm not scared at all.
Lord of the Rings loony

I can think of a few scenes: Chestburster from Alien, Dog's face splitting open from the Thing, opening scene in Jaws.
"You don't know the power of the Darkside."
-Darth Vader

Originally Posted by SaintDant3
hm...In The Thing when they did the first blood test (i think) and that one guy tested positive. all who have seen it know what im talking about.
Yeah, I remeber that one. It was right when you least expected it.

Originally Posted by xResidentEvil3x
Resident Evil - When they are all trapped in that tiny hallway with the gazillion lights, and that laser is coming towards them, then finally reaches the point when it has to turn into cubes and it clices that dude up.
But did you notice when they were walking across that hallway after the incident, there were no bodies to be seen. I mean, there should be somthing there.