Halloween Is Coming... 20 Movies To Watch Before It Gets Here

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Not all "Halloween" based movies exactly, but they're all about Ghosties and Spooks and stuff. Some are Comedy, some are Fantasy, some are Psychological, some are just genuine Horrors...

So, 20 movies to watch in the lead up to Halloweeeeeeen! (woooooo!)


I'll kick off then with:

Ju-On: The Grudge

Spooky shenanigans and great atmosphere throughout, remade as well in 2004 with Buffy, but the remake was inferior and lacked the atmosphere.
The sounds alone that the ghosts make is enough to give you nightmares.

Stir Of Echoes

Not sure what it is with this film, it's not that great a spook movie but the premise is sound and the acting involved being tip top, plus a few unnerving parts made me remember it.
Underrated/overrated, no... under seen, yes.


Good for a bit of fun, some laughs and a few CGI laden spooks and fantasy.

White Noise

Using up to date idea of tech hunting out spooks... a decent turn from Michael Keaton... and some genuinely jumpy scenes. Not perfect, but for a Halloween build up, it's worth a go.

Cool to do a list like this, but I'm missing some thoughts on each movie and a reason for picking them. It's just a little boring to just list some movies and that's that, honestly.

The Ring

Not as good as the original, but still a decent movie and has some great scare factors when the spooks start showing up more and more as the film progresses.


Well, I included The Ring (2002) and said it wasn't as good as this one... so I had to have it in the list.
Better atmosphere, better scares and the original idea behind the McGuffin makes it stand out.

The Innocents

The psychological edge of the movie is perfect for Halloween rather than just being all about gore and guts and scares...
This film is scary in a different way than most other ghost stories. That good in fact, that even Martin Scorsese ranks it at #11 in his own horror list.

Sleepy Hollow

Tim Burton taking on the Headless Horseman? Yeah, definitely a Ghost Movie that needs a place on the list.
Not scary exactly, but definitely stylish and has some decent atmosphere.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Not really a fan of any of the movies listed so far. Nice work with your list tho, and I'll keep checking back.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

+ rep for Ringu, The Innocents, Stir Of Echoes and Sleepy Hollow. For those who've not seen Stir Of Echoes, take a look, it's a really effective and atmospheric film.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The Haunting

Another that appears on Scorsese's horror list...
Great atmosphere, great scares... and considered one of the scariest films of all time. Copied loads of times and remade as well, but nothing compares against the original.

The Ghost And Mrs. Muir

I did say there was going to be some fantasy and stuff in this list
A Romantic Fantasy at the halfway mark to break up all the scares and jumps... and still has a Ghost involved.
Lovely film, if a little twee at times.