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If you like progressive metal, check out Caligula's Horse from Australia. Their new album, Charcoal Grace, may be my new favorite. Here's the first part of the title track to whet your appetite.
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That lil gal Maisie...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell
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This is freaking incredible.
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Please send medical assistance. I find myself physically unable to stop listening to the above song on endless repeat...
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Just revisited the Moody Blues album To Our Children's Children's Children because I got word that it's emerging as this generation's favorite Moody Blues album. I was curious about that and I had to check it out again. IO found so many things right with it, and a couple things wrong with it that I kept justifying with other right things, and I'm not the type who does that. There was so much going on in the album while it was also acting like another pop rock album. So to help me flesh out my opinions, I'm listening to In Search of the Lost Chord again just to be sure. I haven't been this mixed about an album since I gave a second spin to Loveless back in 2013. Currently, the differences are easy to see between the two. Lost Chord is a much less standard album, making plenty of room for the band to do whatever the hell they want, but this also makes it a less conventional album for pop fans, largely due to how 60's it sounds. Nevertheless, I myself am not typically bothered by how dated something sounds because I see it as a piece of musical history. Having said that, you could say that there's a definite edge for Children's because it's more likely to "stand the test of time." So do I pick the less consistent but more creative one, or the poppier and more timeless one?
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Just revisited the Moody Blues album To Our Children's Children's Children because I got word that it's emerging as this generation's favorite Moody Blues album. I was curious about that and I had to check it out again. IO found so many things right with it, and a couple things wrong with it that I kept justifying with other right things, and I'm not the type who does that. There was so much going on in the album while it was also acting like another pop rock album. So to help me flesh out my opinions, I'm listening to In Search of the Lost Chord again just to be sure. I haven't been this mixed about an album since I gave a second spin to Loveless back in 2013. Currently, the differences are easy to see between the two. Lost Chord is a much less standard album, making plenty of room for the band to do whatever the hell they want, but this also makes it a less conventional album for pop fans, largely due to how 60's it sounds. Nevertheless, I myself am not typically bothered by how dated something sounds because I see it as a piece of musical history. Having said that, you could say that there's a definite edge for Children's because it's more likely to "stand the test of time." So do I pick the less consistent but more creative one, or the poppier and more timeless one?
Sorry to post three times in a row, but I just came to the decision concerning this: I choose In Search of the Lost Chord. The idea that it "sounds to 60's" to me is like saying an ambient album is too ambient, so a dated sound may as well just be another genre. In Search of Lost Chord might not have the timeless lush production akin to proto-dream pop, but this album gives the band more wiggle room to do what they do best while maintaining a more unique psychedelic sound from DOFP.
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This is one of the songs that helped me write Nialoca.
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