"Leatherface" (Texas Chainsaw Massacre Sequel) Gets Release Date


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Here's a new trailer...brings more to the story from the looks of it.
Looks surprisingly good. TCM was probably the first horror that really scared me as an adult, but I was really wound up by my late brother who said it was real, and I was living out in redneck territory at the time. He saw it at the cinema when it first came out and ran out to vomit. LOL bless. I miss him.

To think that Tobe Hooper died right when a new Texas Chainsaw movie is about to come out. Those don't come out every year.

He also died in August, which is basically the Texas Chainsaw Massacre month (it takes place on August 18th - the first film).

Most of these movies are pretty poor imo although the remake and following prequal were surprisingly decent. The one from a couple of years back that served as a sequal to the original was terrible though.
Movies? Do we need 'em? NO!

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Exclusive clip featuring Stephen Dorff as Hal Hartman and Lili Taylor as Verna Sawyer