"The Terrorist" (1998)

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This provocative and eerie film from India presents the dramatic society story of a young female terrorist who goes on a suicide assassination mission, but her resolve to complete it is put to the test (source: IMDb).

After seeing trailers and movie posters for this edgy film before actually seeing it, I realized (being from India myself) that perhaps American chefs are now frequently and colloquially (and publicly) using spice-rich Indian "chutneys" (sweet and sour jelly-like accompaniments) in Americanized Eastern-Asian dishes, since gender dialogue regarding feminine struggles have effectively allowed laymen to turn couture into fantasy.

This paranoia investigation film encourages contemplation of the relationship between dreamscape presentation and the politicization of art and is stirring, even if it is a bit maniacal (as any melodrama film from the class-tedium country of India should be).

I give it 3 out of 5 stars.