Movies you need to watch again but never do.


Comment on movies you need to get back to but always find a reason not to, or just forgot about and think the time's coming for you to give it another go.

So I looked at my old introduction page and found that instead of saying one of my favorite movies was Shrek I said The Prince of Egypt, which actually I haven't seen in years. I see the connection and mistake I made. They're both respectable Dreamworks movies but I haven't seen it in forever. Passover's coming up so I'll watch it then and see.

Edit, I updated my intro thread in case anyone has read it recently. Just pointing that out.

I really want to watch The Sound of Music again, I saw it as a kid and haven’t seen it since.

Movie Forums Extra
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

Lawrence of Arabia. My wife bought it for me on Blu-Ray two or three years ago and, despite loving the movie and Peter O'Toole, I simply have not got around to watching it.

I have watched this movie Wolf of Wall Street, and I wish to watch it again. There is so much to learn from this movie. I really want to watch this movie, but I am not getting time to watch it. I don't want to watch it in a rush or hurry. I am planning to watch it peacefully this weekend.

I need to rewatch practically every single movie I've ever after so many years I forget the details, so much so that another watch is like a first time watch

The Fountain by Aronofsky. Always I've wanted to watch that again, but never found the time to.
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone