Independence Day Resurgence


What the **** is Charlotte Gainsbourg doing in this? is that serious casting? really? wtf. No Will Smith, and now finding out she's in it, excellent! she better have a big role.

What the **** is Charlotte Gainsbourg doing in this? .. now finding out she's in it, excellent! she better have a big role.
She plays Catherine. Don't know exactly who that is but I'm sure it's someone lol.

You know, I am really excited for this movie. I just hope it's not a big letdown (it probably will be).

I'm more excited for this than the new Star Wars films. I think.

I don't know if I like the fact that they're just calling it Independence Day 2. The title looks good on the poster and it's better than a million other possibilities, but, I dunno. It's good, but yet, I dunno. Kinda cheesy. But I'm getting some really good vibes here.

What the **** is Charlotte Gainsbourg doing in this?.
That's exactly what I'm asking myself, I love Charlotte, but I can not understand what the hell is she doing in this movie. Yes, I know .. money is the most likely answer, but I don't think she needs to do this.

I'm sure she can get better roles, although it is true that many actors/ actresses they like to try different things and vary from time to time, but still, in a Roland Emmerich movie? What next? a movie with Uwe Boll? Please.

We officially have a working title for Independence Day 2!

I don't know if there is already a thread for IDR, so i am sorry if i am stepping on anyones toes here! IDR set photos have also been released

A lot of details about the film have also started to be released, what do you guys think of the new title and set photos?

Id rather have his brother in this or maybe Guardians of the galaxy could loan us Chris Pratt.
I'd be all for either Chris lol

I've just never been able to buy any of Liam's performances maybe he'll be alright in this but I'm not holding out hope