Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Group Watch

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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Marshland (2014), and it was okay, but I didn't love it the way most people seem to love it. The first hour was too slow, but it picked up a bit as it went on. But I never really cared much about the characters, so it basically just seemed like an average crime mystery to me. And I didn't really care for the open ending.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

The trick is not minding

This film has some amazing cinematography. Right from the start it catches your attention with its visuals.

Set against the back drop of post Franco Spain, a nation still healing and dealing with the ramifications of its despotic past, 2 detectives must work together to solves a disappearance. Or two rather. Sisters. The mystery deepens when they turn up murdered, and further murders are revealed.

The detectives are of course, different in terms of political ideology. Pedro, a family man, wrote papers denouncing Franco, and was punished for it. His partner, served under Franco has to deal with the rumors of his past associated with it. Their respective differences are never really dealt with satisfactory to my liking. But I think that was the point.

Regardless, the tale is a grilling and taut thriller, and one I’m not likely to forget anytime soon.

Those top down views were amazing.


This film has some amazing cinematography. Right from the start it catches your attention with its visuals.

Set against the back drop of post Franco Spain, a nation still healing and dealing with the ramifications of its despotic past, 2 detectives must work together to solves a disappearance. Or two rather. Sisters. The mystery deepens when they turn up murdered, and further murders are revealed.

The detectives are of course, different in terms of political ideology. Pedro, a family man, wrote papers denouncing Franco, and was punished for it. His partner, served under Franco has to deal with the rumors of his past associated with it. Their respective differences are never really dealt with satisfactory to my liking. But I think that was the point.

Regardless, the tale is a grilling and taut thriller, and one I’m not likely to forget anytime soon.

Those top down views were amazing.
Yes, and absolutely yes.

Usual story, if it's freely available to me I'll try to give it a spin.

The unresolved ending worked for me, but I understand how it wouldn't for others.
I loved the original Secret in their eyes. Will look up Mystery Road.
To be really clear, I wasn't upset that it wasn't resolved. I think that's realistic to how people in a country that was so split would have to uneasily exist side by side without some neat resolution or whatever.

I wish that it had been explored a little more. How does this guy feel about his past? Is he ashamed? Is he indifferent: that was my job then, this is my job now?

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We still have like a month until the deadline. Some of us are still busily preparing. I'm nowhere near ready to vote.
Oh please. You got your 25 Joaquin movies ready at the helm.

Laziness. Although there are about 4 more I want to watch before the countdown.
Right, so then you're not ready for the countdown to start right now, correct?