Frustratin' Movie Endings:Possible Spoilers(duh)


Now With Moveable Parts
Hmmm...were you unsatisfied with the ending then?

I was only unsatisfied with some of the plot holes. I do agree that it was thought-provoking...but the ending ADDED to it. The simple thought is this: our memories are a completely massive part of who we are. Without them, or with them altered, we are someone incredibly and altogether different...which is a creepy thought, IMO.

Now With Moveable Parts
I wasn't completely satisfied with the ending the first time. Later, I was. It's the only way they could of wrapped things up...otherwise, they would have left something out, or left us asking too many questions. Seriously, if someone says plot holes, again, pretaining to this movie...

Originally posted by TWTCommish
I was only unsatisfied with some of the plot holes. I do agree that it was thought-provoking...but the ending ADDED to it. The simple thought is this: our memories are a completely massive part of who we are. Without them, or with them altered, we are someone incredibly and altogether different...which is a creepy thought, IMO.
Yes, I agree with most of what you said, but I don't like how the movie sort of plays to what they think the audience wants to see, which is the resolution to this whole bit with his wife. I don't think that matters, because it's merely an example of a memory. After watching it a couple times, I "got" it, but the first time in the theater, I was too busy thinking about what happened with his wife to reflect on the larger implications of the story, and what the movie is really about.

About plot holes - I think there are some, but again, I don't think they matter. I don't think the plot is as important to the movie as lots of people make it out to be, and that's a flaw in the movie. Major plot hole: how does he remember he has short term memory loss?

So, yeah, I think the ending is flawed, but it's still a remarkable movie, and a whole lot of fun.

Registered User
'Event horizon' was so mixed up with trying to be a horror and scifi movie the plot got lost somewhere along the way...Sam Neill was lame though, not convincing at all especially when you've have seen him in so many indie australian productions as I have. hugo Weaving in 'the matrix' was the same again for me.

off the point...I love bizarre movies 'City of lost Children' and 'Delicatessen' are some of my favourites.

Talking of bizarre endings how about 'lost Highway' , I'm a sucker for non-linear plotlines but it put so many people off enjoying a brilliant movie.

'Memento' wasn't an easy film to watch as a whole I feel, I was satisfied in the end that things were resolved, but a lot of friends had trouble piecing it together, with their own take on the movie, through their own memories of the structure and the main characters 'memories' . For those that weren't willing to piece the movie together and wanted sit passively it did not work.
It was definitely quite a wake up call and made you realize the mastery of film technique and device the directors had.

American Psycho


I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Got me, but that whole movie was frustratin'
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg