Are You Psychic? Take My Test.



I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.

Okay, so I already know what the results are going to be, but let's do this anyway, because even if you already know everything that's going to happen, you still have to live through it all anyway.

I have designed a test for you to test your psychic abilities.

I want you to answer these ten questions. You are going to guess what I am thinking of for each of these ten questions. The person who guesses the most right either has some or a lot of psychic power.

Concentrate and try to read my mind.

All of these questions already have answers which I have written down.

Here we go:

Psychic Isaac's Psychic Test

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?

-> I do see a number, which makes me blush.

2. What COLOR am I thinking of?
-> golden yellow.

3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?
-> Your mother's, Ann.

4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?
-> Mine, Anthony.

5. What CITY am I thinking of?
-> Dark City.

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?
-> Some kind of crushy vegetable.

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?
-> Vodka.

8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?
-> Dark City.

9. What SONG am I thinking of?
-> Any song on the radio right now.

10. What WORD am I thinking of?
-> Speechless.

I also think that only a few people have such abilities. Otherwise, nobody would visit mediums or tarot readers and use those apps. I used a Free psychic Text application several times to chat with a psychic reader. Some predictions were true, so I believe in such things.