Most "Dramatic Death Scene" in a movie


Has anyone said Will Ferrell in Austin Powers yet?
Just back from my Alaskan cruise.
Highlights - art auctions at amazing prices, got my Divine Comedy original edition for the cost of the frame. All you can eat steak, lobster, shrimp, ribs... hmmmmm
Low points - Seen it all before not living too far from Alaska

I almost forgot about the little Princess in Anna and the King. That one is a tear-jerker if there ever was one. Also, Tuptim's death scene was really beautiful. I like the look on her face right before she gets her head chopped off- very peaceful, almost happy.
Some of my favourite movies (in no particular order):
*Runaway Jury
*The Hunt for Red October
*Pirates of the Caribbean; TCotBP
*High Noon

You ready? You look ready.
Originally Posted by Tolstoy
Has anyone said Will Ferrell in Austin Powers yet?
I do believe he never died in that movie. Well, at least I think he didn't.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Originally Posted by FrankTheBunny420
Certainly the most dramatic and shocking scene wasn't a death scene, but the 15 minute torture scene in Gibson's Passion.
Minus the flashback scenes, and maybe the beginning sequence, I'd think that the whole movie was a torture scene.

Adding to the thread

-T-800 giving the thumbs up while melting himself in the lava was pretty sad.
-Anthony Hopkins leaving peacefully in "Meet Joe Black"
-I mos def agree with Boromir's death

ZombIe=LoVeR's Avatar
Here's Johnny!
I think it was Gretchin's death in Donnie Darko, because i really was upset because that whole scene swung me rite into emotional tumoil. first she was jumped by those the losers with the knives, and then some random ran over her while Donnie could do nothing, it just upset me a lot. Then frank came into play............
"I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion and they have every right to express it, but some people are just stupid."-- OG-

The best death sequence for me was Hudson (Bill Paxton) in Aliens. "Game over, man. Game over"

waterisforcowards,waterma kesyouweak
The death of maximus in the gladiator was very dramatic in a sense of accomplishment that he recieved his vengence and was reunited with his family. Based on historical fact

I agree with Zombie Lover about Gretchen in Donnie Darko. I was suprised. A couple of other ones for me:
Jean Grey in X2
Satine in Moulin Rouge
Jet Li's character in Hero
Passion of the Christ

hey i can honestly say i cried when optimus died.
Sure but now i have to call you a little sissy girl.

Originally Posted by loopie
Jean Grey in X2
She didn't die, but will be transformed to the Phoenix in perhaps the next film.

Originally Posted by Escape
She didn't die, but will be transformed to the Phoenix in perhaps the next film.
Hehe, my bad... =/
I meant her "death". Should have clarified.

Originally Posted by loopie
Hehe, my bad... =/
I meant her "death". Should have clarified.
I'll forgive you this time mister.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by loopie
I agree with Zombie Lover about Gretchen in Donnie Darko. I was suprised. A couple of other ones for me:
Jean Grey in X2
Satine in Moulin Rouge
Jet Li's character in Hero
Passion of the Christ
I didn't see the death in Passion of the Christ coming either!
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
I didn't see the death in Passion of the Christ coming either!
You and loopie must have some innate sense of spoilers coming up.

Most dramatic, I'd say... Willem DaFoe in Platoon.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

John Travoltas death in "the Punisher" It was so idioticly drawn out that it made baby jesus cry.

in Full Metal Jacket, the soldier that is killed by the sniper girl

Viddy well little brother
When Laura Palmer dies at the end of Fire walk with me. Really dramatic!

"y Te Brute"
"You need people like me..."

como esta usted?. . .I don't know.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.