A film from BBC we saw tonight, possibly the best war/anti-war film I've ever seen, and that includes Kubrick's *Paths of Glory*, Oliver Stone's *Platoon* and of course Coppola's *Apocalypse Now*. It's "My Boy Jack" from 2007, inspired by the Rudyard Kipling poem about a son who fought in the trenches during WWI.

All you have to see is the beginning title sequence of the film to witness a highly inventive use of the camera, such that the cinematography becomes a kind of narrative commentary on the action--and totally NOT in an obtrusive or distracting way, as often does happen. The scenes shot in the trenches, by means of steadicam ((I don't doubt) put you right in there with them--and it is harrowing--dreadful edge of your seat suspense that is up there with the best.