Just discovered 3 shows with people of color


I just discovered three shows with people of color as stars The Mindy Project,
Master of None and The Get Down.
I really enjoyed them! I’m so bummed they canceled The Get Down.
I could have gone further into the story of Mindy Lahiri . And I’m not sure if Aziz’s show is coming back. If someone knows please let me in on it! One thing that really bothered me about Mindy Project was Mindy Kaling’s makeup! It was working my last nerve!! On instagram some are saying she lighten her skin, I think they just don’t have her makeup right. Anyway I’m glad i watched these shows. Anyone else see them?

I watched The Mindy Project for awhile, years after it premiered. I liked it, it was pretty funny. When it moved to Hulu it started to shift from comedy towards sporadically amusing soap opera, and my sister, who'd seen more of it, said it pretty much kept going that way. So even though I've seen most of it, I haven't bothered to finish. I enjoyed the first few seasons, though.

I met one guy who wasn't a color - I think he was transparent - or perhaps invisible - in fact, I'm not sure if he was there at all.

Last night as I went up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish I wish he'd stay away!

That's it = Hollow!

Everything can be brought back to Kevin Bacon.

One thing I'll give him a lot of credit for is his 30 year marriage to Kyra Sedgwick! (And the first marriage for both of them to boot - that's rare in Hollywood!)

Last night as I went up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish I wish he'd stay away!
I enjoyed this, thanks for sharing!

I enjoyed this, thanks for sharing!
Would you believe that poem scared me when I was really little?
As I'd go up the stairs (usually at night in the dark) I'd start to think about it, and the thoughts of a man who wasn't there would elicit thoughts about invisible beings or ghosts on the stairs, and then I'd get the creeps!

P.S. Also, I could never sleep on Christmas Eve because the thoughts of some strange, magical, bearded, fat man coming into my room in the middle of the night accompanied by little gnome-like beings (elves) terrified me!