A film about a lone sniper. His rifle spoke in a woman's voice.


Hi Guys,

There is this movie which I saw years ago but don't remember the name.

The story was about a soldier (sniper) and his smart rifle.
The main feature of the film is the intelligence of his rifle.

The film was released in early 2000 (approximately).

The action takes place in the future, it looks like it's post-apocalypse. In a desert area.

She was very smart. She could calculate the probabilities of implementing various options, spoke to him in a pleasant female voice. I thought and spoke like a real person. She was his real fighting friend.

Towards the end of the film, he entered into an unequal battle and ... maybe even died - I don't remember ... The rifle dissuaded him, but he did not listen.

Please help me find this movie !!!
It's very nice, interesting and atmospheric.

According to a review I found, there's a character in this movie from 2007 that has a talking weapon -- a rifle with the name 'Angel'.

"The Last Sentinel"
There's a low definition copy of the film playing here:

Thank U so much!!!!!!!!!!!

No problem. I'm glad it was the film you were searching for.