Scandinavian erotic bully movie. Help?


There are two movies I'm asking for.

1-st movie description: a movie in Scandinavian dub, a popular cool schoolboy bullying another one, in the end I remember a (fat guy) friend/neighbor of the boy who was being bullied sees the scene and goes down to fight for him. Before that he visits his mother and tells her about these things that are happening to him, but after the boy comes home from school he denies everything. And later that fat guy friend/neighbor goes down and fights the bully for him. All I remember is this last scene it was snow.

2-nd movie description: I'm not so sure if this one was Scandinavian dub as well, but I remember a scene of two friends fighting each other over a girl, and they sleep in street till morning and smoke a cigarette together laying in the street.

If someone can help, I'd be really thankful!

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I would suggest 1 film per thread.

That being said, the first one could be "Evil (2003)."

Thanks for trying to help, but actually neither of them is the ones I described.

Let me try and make it more clear.. I've seen these movies in I guess 2007 or 2008, around that time for sure, but I don't know the release dates of either movies otherwise I would have found them till now :/.

I think the first film might be the Estonian Klass (2007).

P.S. I don’t quite understand why the OP describes the film as an ‘erotic’ one from what’s in the text, but Klass has a disturbing sexual scene that seems to fit.