question about parking


so the other day I was in a parking lot and two cars parked too close on either side of the car in the middle. It was at a mall, and apparently the owners of the cars were going to movies because the cars were there for about 3 or 3 1/2 hours. Needless to say, the unlucky middle owner was stuck for about 2 hours. My question is, who is at fault, the car that parked too close on the driver's side, or the passenger side?

Well, if they were both too close, then they're both at fault. I guess whoever was more over the line than the other guy is more at fault, though. And I'd say whoever parked second was being particularly inconsiderate because they could see what was happening.

A system of cells interlinked
Neither, because one of their legs were both the same, and the higher they flew, the much!
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

I wonder what you have to do in such a situation. I'd probably call a tow service and try to have one of them towed so I can get out. I'd basically do anything to have those other guys go through similar discomfort that I had to go through.

planet news's Avatar
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This question reminds me of this thing:
There is an old story about an old man who has to cross a desert.
He has two enemies.

One night the first enemy slips into his tent, and puts poison in his water bottle. Later the same night, the second enemy, not knowing of this, slips into his tent and puts a tiny puncture into the bottle.

In the morning, the man sets off across the desert; when the time comes to drink water, there is nothing in the bottle. As a consequence, he dies from thirst.

Who murdered him?
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

I know you're not necessarily supposed to be able to answer that, but I say the second guy, if only because there was no guarantee he would have drunk the poison. Gotta attribute the murder to the guy who brought about the actual cause of death; can't convict a guy for poisoning someone if he isn't poisoned.

Though, to be really literal, I don't think it's murder to steal someone's water and then have them not realize it and die of thirst. I mean, really dude, check your stuff before you go journeying across the desert. That's, like, desert-journeying 101.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I think it would be considered murder in the eyes of the law to put puncture holes in it because it was a contributing factor to his death. That reminds me of that old standby in muder mysteries when someone shoots someone, but is not guilty of murder because the intended victim was already did. In the Gazebo the bullet missed, but the person shot at had a heart attack at that moment and died.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
The water was already poisoned thinking about it. Maybe nobody legally killed him. I guess Yoda is right. If he checked to make sure he had water he would have been okay. The second guy actually did him an unintentional favor.

This question reminds me of this thing:
It is George Bushes fault because he caused more terroism in the middle east and if he had not done that these guys would never have been enemies in the first place.

As far as the parking goes: anyone not within the limits of their own parking space would be at fault. If all cars were within the limits the mall needs to remark the lot.
Have you ever went to park and it was a bit crowded and you find a spot but the person next to it parked over the line causing you to have to park over the line to fit? Then you come out later to find he left and you are the bad guy parking lilke an idiot. I also like how some guy (or gal ) thinks their car is so special they get two place so no one parks next to them so they park right in th emiddle. I like to park right up against the driver door of these idiots. I will risk the ticket to piss them off.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I don't think it's murder to steal someone's water and then have them not realize it and die of thirst. I mean, really dude, check your stuff before you go journeying across the desert. That's, like, desert-journeying 101.
I agree with Yoda--there was no murder: the guy committed suicide by not making sure his water bottle was full!

As an aside, is it just me or does anyone else think it's stupid when in desert films, the guy takes his last drink of water and then throws away his canteen. What if a mile later he comes across an oasis but now he has no canteen to fill?? What kind of goober would throw away a perfectly good canteen on the assumption he will never again encounter water?

planet news's Avatar
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I know you're not necessarily supposed to be able to answer that, but I say the second guy, if only because there was no guarantee he would have drunk the poison.
The guarantee is inscribed into the situation. He went to drink, because he got thirsty. This is the guarantee.

If he checked to make sure he had water he would have been okay.
Again, the situation guarantees that the man only checks the water level when he first feels thirsty at which point all the water is already gone.

The second guy actually did him an unintentional favor.
How was it a favor if all the water is gone in order for the favor to actualize itself as a favor? The favor is simply a guarantee that he will die in man-2's method.

I agree with Yoda--there was no murder: the guy committed suicide by not making sure his water bottle was full!
I don't understand this logic. If he checked to make sure it was full, he would have found it wasn't full. Then he would probably have either tried sealing the water bottle or drinking some or all of it in order to get it into his body. Sealing the water bottle would only prolong the amount of time he risked dying from poison. Drinking all of it at one time would make death from poison a certainty.

Well, the law as we know it only works because things like that cannot be guaranteed. If they could, the law would be completely different.

So, I guess it's fun as a thought puzzle, but as a thought puzzle the question can't be about legality, because the legal system admittedly breaks down if you're suddenly able to posit things like "this guy will definitely drink this in the morning." The question has to be modified to be a moral one, or something else entirely. But the phrase "murder" implies a level of legality that could and would not exist in a world where these other stipulations could be made.

This reminds me of the whole "sound of one hand clapping thing," particularly the part where I bend a single hand and manage to make a rough clapping sound with it, thus simultaneously answering and ruining the question.

planet news's Avatar
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The law is evaluatory and therefore retrospective. The situation guaranteed that he went to drink and that he did not have a poison detector or a spare water container. The past is pure and guaranteed. You do not answer, ruin, or even address/interact with any such question when you change the question itself, Kirk.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
If before he left he checked and saw it was empty, he would have to refill it and there wouldn't be any poison.

Obviously both enemies are guilty of attempted murder, but actual murder would depend on the circumstances and Planet News is making assumptions not in his initial description. He should check before going out in the desert if he has water before he is thirsty.

You can get hemmed in a parking lot if the spaces are small, but not designated for small cars and when you get back two SUVs are stadddling close to the line but not crossing it

One more thing, wouldn't he have noticed he was getting wet if the canteen was leaking?

Anybody who would go out with just one canteen into the desert is a dope.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Can the driver not climb into car through Boot or Window?

planet news's Avatar
Registered User
He should check before going out in the desert if he has water before he is thirsty.
He didn't check though.

If before he left he checked and saw it was empty, he would have to refill it and there wouldn't be any poison.
He didn't check though.

One more thing, wouldn't he have noticed he was getting wet if the canteen was leaking?
He didn't notice though.

Anybody who would go out with just one canteen into the desert is a dope.
He was a dope though.

Planet News is making assumptions not in his initial description.
I'm making assumptions in order to not betray the initial description. You're the one who's adding facts in order to create a new situation as demonstrated above.

Protip: you, Will, are not going to outwit it.

Screw these thought puzzles and laws of logic. Time for a story.

I also like how some guy (or gal ) thinks their car is so special they get two place so no one parks next to them so they park right in th emiddle. I like to park right up against the driver door of these idiots. I will risk the ticket to piss them off.
Last week, I went shopping at my local warehouse (comparable to Costco's) and on my arrival home, I wanted to park in front of our house so I could unload my groceries (lots) without inconveniencing anyone. Now, there are 4 parking spots in front of my house, but you have to park like this, instead of parking straight:

You can't imagine how many people park their cars straight. As a result, most of the time only 3 or even 2 of the available 4 spots are used.

So, naturally, when I drove up to our house, someone had taken the liberty to park their car straight, thus taking up two spots. I parked my car right behind theirs and went to open our front door. When I had done that and walked back to my car, some older woman was standing by that very car and we had the following "conversation":

Woman: Is that your car?
Me: Yes
Me: There wouldn't of been a problem had you parked in the correct manner...
Me: You know what, I think I'll unload my groceries first. And then, I have to tell my dad something. It's urgent, so you'll have to wait a little longer.
*Woman steps into her car, her face was so red it looked like it was about to explode*

So I took in my groceries, took a piss and washed my hands. When I finally walked towards my car, I waved at the woman, who looked like she was seriously considering running me over.

It's moments like these that make your day. There's something about annoying inconsiderate people that's fills me with great joy.