New Layout Coming, I Hope


Yeah, I know, I'm dragging my feet. I'm working on a slightly new layout. If I don't come up with anything big, I'll just modify it slightly and then upgrade the forums -- an upgrade that's obviously long overdue.

Registered User
I can't imagine what kind of upgrade it would be (it's pretty cool already)--- would I understand the features if you explained them. Or are they mainly admin stuff--transparent to the user . . . I did see a forum once where you could tell which topic a user was reading/or maybe writing to--in real time.
Blonde Klingons: Because it was a good day to dye!

MovieForums Extra
Yikes, we've been egerly anticipating an upgrade since the end of January/beginning of February! Still looking forward to all those new functions, I've seen a lot of them in action (especially on
Black Holes Suck!

Good news everyone: new stuff is definitely in the works. It's not just talk anymore, stuff is actually happening. Codename: MoFo will become a reality. I'm sure you'll all like the site quite a bit when it's finished. Keep an eye out for it.

Registered User
Site looks good to me!

There once was a boy who cried wolf... until his friends killed him.

edevcafe is pretty cool. Will MovieForums be better?

In some ways. I think the layout will be just as cool. The site's are pretty different overall. eDevCafe is the result of several people -- I'm responsible for most of the content, but I don't have the final say over things the way I do with MoFo.

Registered User
Hey honey-bunny, don' mess with what works! Visuals are good. Content is good. Posts are nutty. What more could U want?

(Except don't make me always disable the smile thingies.)

Sorry, I've got to! Trust me on one thing: this layout has a GREAT "movie feel" to it. The designer is amazing when it comes to setting the mood for a certain site. The site will be friendly, movie-like, vivid, a bit colorful, but still relatively simple. I do plan to have plenty of information, but I plan to present it in an organized fashoin, so as to not overwhelm anyone.

I will do my best to make sure things are kept simple in most respects. The new forums are powerful, and, as a result, a bit complicated by default. I'll be sure to spend some time (several hours, I'd expect) on keeping it simple, and removing un-needed things that only add to the clutter, the same as I've done with this forum.

Registered User
Okay -- do what you will. (Because you probably will anyway.) But just don't make it an "art director's dream site" -- that is one that is all gloss & no action. We already have too darm much Disney flatline stuff here in sunny FL. Give us MEAT!

Love what U-do already,


Registered User
U got it. (& U got that now!)

