Add "ING" to a movie title, what is it about now?



The studio system, finally has enough of Kirk Douglas, and stops hiring him for movies. But are they really done? What will Michael say?

I thought this was the movie about William Shatner retiring from the Star Trek franchise!

The Right Stuffing - a family tries to come up with the perfect filler for their Thanksgiving turkey when they run out of breadcrumbs just minutes before their dysfunctional relatives arrive (hilarity ensues)!

Clashing of the Titans

Titans fighting each other due to a bad family argument.

Greasing 2

50's teen kids greasing a hog for a contest.

Standing by Me

Bored Teens

Can't Buy Me Loving

Exactly what it says.. you can't afford her.

(sorry I used my letterboxd for titles)

20000 Years In Sing Singing

Documentary in which Julie Andrews talks about her extraordinarily lengthy career in musicals.


A small Korean family laundry business struggles when a corporate rival opens up across the street.

Blow Outing

Three men with a kilo of coke have the hedonistic day to end all hedonistic days.

Cross of Ironing - A housewife is struggling with domestic chores.

The Bad Seeding - An incest story about a single father and daughter.

Markeding for Death - An illiterate salesman is trying to finish a deal with Death.

The Schooling of Rock - Former professional wrestler goes back to finish high school.

Qing - Historic epic of China's last imperial dynasty.

Little Missing Sunshine - A horror-drama about miss Little who has trouble coping with her being a vampire.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Minority Reporting - A white guy constantly calling the cops on minorities in his neighbourhood.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Once Bitting

Unruly 2 years old who learns what it feels like when getting bitten.

Crimson Peaking

Do you really want me to explain? It could turn out disgusting nasty....

Sleepy Hollowing

A sleepy ghost goes digging up graves.

The Falling

Mountain climbers die in a horrible accident by falling.

This might just do nobody any good.
The Florida Projecting

The strange case of a state wide act of egotistic defense and blame shifting.

Okay, not strange at all.