Guilty Or Not Guilty


Not guilty. Never use my account.

You enjoy Reddit
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
Not guilty. I've never really explored Reddit.

You own a computer that regularly acts up.

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
Somewhat guilty.
I fortunately don't have tons of xmas presents to buy.
We usually tell each other what xmas presents we'd like to get: this avoids getting presents we dislike ^^

You dislike being wrong.

Not guilty.

You did not follow the career that everyone at school thought you would follow. (In my case, linguistics.)

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
Somewhat guilty. Sometimes I listen to some pipe organ music that happens to have Christian roots.

You were someone famous in a past life of yours.

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
Not guilty (as far as I know).

I have absolutely no clues about:
- my alleged other incarnations;
- being famous in at least one of them.

I don't fantasize about being famous in any of my alleged other incarnations.

You're someone's number one fan.

Probably guilty. Along with millions of others. Paul McCartney, e.g.

You’ve been a groupie?

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
Guilty, to some extent.

In the 80's especially, I was a big fan of Depeche Mode and of Cyndi Lauper (I love nice women with crazy hair).

Sometimes you envy someone?

Sometimes you envy someone?
I'm gonna claim not guilty over that one - not out of a lack of humility, but due to a definition I once heard: that the difference between jealousy and envy is that with jealousy you wish you had what someone else had, but envy is wishing you had what someone else had AND that they no longer had it!

Had farts that felt so good that you'd think, "if every one was guaranteed to feel like that, I'd just fart all day and all night, I'd try to find a way to make a living doing it!"

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
Had farts that felt so good that you'd think, "if every one was guaranteed to feel like that, I'd just fart all day and all night, I'd try to find a way to make a living doing it!"

Not guilty ^^

You rarely make fun of yourself.

I'm Anthony, a Frenchman in France.
Not guilty.

Have you recently lied about your age again?