How do you pick your favorite James Bond movie?


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Since I'm a huge fan, people often ask me what my favorite one is, but how does one pick really?

I could go for The Spy Who Loved Me, for being a really good jack of all trades that incorporates some of everything.

Or I could say On Her Majesty's Secret Service for the love story mixed with Bond trying to stop the really good holding the world for ransom plot.

Or I could pick Casino Royale for being a great origin story, although, a lot of the classic touches are thrown away as a result.

Or I could pick Licence to Kill, for being a great action revenge thriller, with the plot being beautifully set up as to how it builds into one plot point to another.

But how would you choose based on your favorites or what criteria would you use, for choosing?

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
This is very strange from you ironpanda. A very bizarre post but if you must methodology for picking my favourite bond would them. And then listen to my brain and heart, stomach and penis. One or all of the above will give me an answer louder than the others. Ta daaa done.

Or I could pick Licence to Kill, for being a great action revenge thriller, with the plot being beautifully set up as to how it builds into one plot point to another.
My favourite is Licence to Kill and I think the revenge story, with Bond going rogue, is the reason why. One detail I like is that Michael Kamen's gunbarrel music reflects that. With the first few notes you know this is not going to be your usual Bond film.

I can add to that the fact that Timothy Dalton is my favourite Bond, and I think Licence to Kill is the best of his outings. I also consider Dalton to be "my Bond" in that he was the incumbent around the time that I was first watching the films.

And then listen to my brain and heart, stomach and penis. One or all of the above will give me an answer louder than the others.
Yeah, my stomach's always the loudest .

My favorites the Spy Who loved me. I really liked the chemistry with Bond and the woman, as well as having Jaws the best Bond villain. Lots of beautiful shots and exotic locations. Some much great action.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I feel like I am torn between On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Casino Royale, The Spy Who Loved Me, and Licence to Kill as the best.

This might just do nobody any good.
I’ve never been terribly invested in the series and Casino Royale was the first movie I sat through from beginning to end so... that.

for me goldeneye and goldfinger, ticks all the boxes tbh.
great plot
great set pieces
many gadgets
great one liners
climactic finale

They're all good if they don't have Roger Moore in them. The films he made were plain daft

They're all good if they don't have Roger Moore in them. The films he made were plain daft
Oddly enough my Grandma's favourite Bond precisely because he was tongue-in-cheek . There's a flip side to that though: because there's that throwaway humour it sometimes makes his violent scenes quite a shock. Look at The Man With the Golden Gun for example.

I feel like I am torn between On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Casino Royale, The Spy Who Loved Me, and Licence to Kill as the best.
That's interesting – my top two are Licence to Kill and The Spy Who Loved Me. I have Thunderball in third place.

How would you ;pick your favorite James Bond knockoff?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well I think after going through the movies the last time, my favorite would either be On Her Majesty's Secret Service, or Licence to Kill, but how do you pick between those two really?