Oscar Picks

34th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capitial 'T'

The 34th Hall of Fame

As usual: Any movie that you feel is worthy of an HoF, that's under 240 minutes can be nominated...Previous HoF winners are excluded. Movies that were HoF nominated in the past but didn't win are still eligible. One specific movie will be posted to watch each week. The next week will be a different movie posted and so on.

Citizen, JiraffeJustin, John W Constantine, Phoenix, Rauldc, Edarsenal, Torgo, Takoma, Cricket, MovieGal, I_Wear_Pants, Ueno_Station54, Stillmellow, TheManBehindTheCurtain

The 34th HoF Movie Nominations
Week 1...Past Lives(2023) Due: Jan 8th
MovieGal review
John W Constantine review
Citizen review
Ueno_station54 review
Stillmellow review
Phoenix review
Torgo review
Cricket review
TheManBehindTheCurtain review
Raul review
Takoma review
JiraffeJustin review
Edarsenal review

Week 3...Leila's Brothers (2022) Due:Jan 22nd
John W Constantine review
Phoenix review
Torgo review
Cricket review
Ueno_station54 review
Stillmellow review
MovieGal review
Raul review
Citizen review
JiraffeJustin review
TheManBehindTheCurtain review
Takoma review

Week 5...GoldenEye (1995) Due: Feb 7th
MovieGal review
TheManBehindTheCurtain review
Citizen Rules review
Ueno_station54 review
Phoenix review
Torgo review
Cricket review
Edarsenal review
John W Constantine review
Raul review
Stillmellow review
Takoma review

Week 7...At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1991)
Due: Jan 24th
Ueno_station54 review
MovieGal review
John W Constantine review

Week 2...Persona (1966) Due: Jan 15th
MovieGal review
Citizen review
Ueno_station54 review
Torgo review
TheManBehindTheCurtain review
Cricket review
John W Constantine review
Edarsenal review
Phoenix review
JiraffeJustin review
Takoma review
Stillmellow review
Raul review

Week 4...Rocco & His Brothers (1960) Jan 30th
John W Constantine review
Raul review
Cricket review
Torgo review
Citizen review
Phoenix review
Ueno_station54 review
TheManBehindTheCurtain review
MovieGal review
Takoma review

Week 6...Inside Moves (1980) Due: Feb 17
TheManBehindTheCurtain review
MovieGal review
John W Constantine review
Cricket review
Ueno_station54 review
Citizen review
Torgo review
Phoenix review


Hooray. I'm in.

Personally I will try to pick something from a year that doesn't have many nominations from past HoF. I like the weekly nominations (and the option to see the list of nominees). I'm open to trying something new if it helps more participation.

I forgot the opening line.
We can reveal all of the nominees but still have a designated week for each viewing/review - having our cake and eating it too seems like a do-able option.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Inside Moves (1980)

Thanks for the invite, but I might sit this one out. There's a lot going on in my life right now, so I don't know if I could commit to a Hall of Fame right now.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Thanks for the invite, but I might sit this one out. There's a lot going on in my life right now, so I don't know if I could commit to a Hall of Fame right now.
Sure thing I understand.

@John-Connor Interested in joining? This should be epic!
I don't get a notification whenever you @ mention me. This was also the case in the HoF, I do get a notification when I'm quoted though, weird.

On topic; Depends on the amount of re-watches if I’ll join or not. Thanks for the mention CR.
Entertainment log

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I don't get a notification whenever you @ mention me. This was also the case in the HoF, I do get a notification when I'm quoted though, weird.

On topic; Depends on the amount of re-watches if I’ll join or not. Thanks for the mention CR.
You might want to ask Yoda about why you don't get mentions? Maybe it's a setting in your User CP.

Depends on the amount of re-watches if I’ll join or not
Do you mean if there's a bunch of stuff you've already seen you're not as interested in joining?
Or...do you mean if there's a bunch of noms that you haven't seen, you might not be interested?

I'm just curious. I know cricket likes it when there's a lot of first time watches for him in an HoF. Let me know.

I'm just curious. I know cricket likes it when there's a lot of first time watches for him in an HoF. Let me know.
Same as cricket, the more first time watches the better for me.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Same as cricket, the more first time watches the better for me.
Got it, thanks. I'm going to take Phoenix's suggestion and post all the noms at the very start of the HoF, so that everyone can make an informed decision and see what they will be watching. Of course if you've already seen a nom and can remember it you don't have to watch it again. Only have two noms so far, I guarantee no one has seen mine.

Thanks for the invitation. I'm also gonna be that guy and wait for the first reveals to decide if I want to join. I'd also prefer more first-time watches than re-watches, so keep it obscure, folks!

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I'm going to wait and see but I'm leaning towards being in.

Thanks for the invitation. I'm also gonna be that guy and wait for the first reveals to decide if I want to join. I'd also prefer more first-time watches than re-watches, so keep it obscure, folks!
That's good to know and a real good reason to post all the noms before the HoF starts, which I will do like Jan 1st or 2nd or 3rd.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
We now have 5 members. The noms are diversified, yeah! I'd say 3 out of the 5 are probably going to be first time watches for most...So that's pretty cool.

Come on MoFos, this is a movie board and this is what we do...watch movies, so join already

We now have 5 members. The noms are diversified, yeah! I'd say 3 out of the 5 are probably going to be first time watches for most...So that's pretty cool.

Come on MoFos, this is a movie board and this is what we do...watch movies, so join already
We already talked about this.

Im just waiting.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A new year and a new HoF seem like the ideal time to rejoin, so...
I am in.

I do like the specific movie for each week. It'll definitely help slackers like myself, along with the potential for actual dialogue about the movies we watch, so I'm excited to try that route.

And, of course, HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio