Oscar Picks

Folk Horror


I just finished the Welsh film The Feast. It's about man's greed for nature's resources.

I was reading a bit after watching and
WARNING: spoilers below
it's loosely based on the Welsh myth of Blodeuwedd
Worth watching?

Some titles you might like (not guaranteed, of course)

Population 436 (2006)
You Are Not My Mother (2021)
The Last Wave (1977)
The Shout (1978)

There's also the creepy children's TV series Children Of The Stones (1977)

The Ruins (2008) is perhaps too much of a survival horror and it doesn't have much of the cult/conspiracy element.

In Fear (2013) is another one that I wouldn't call "quintessential folk horror" but it has that same atmosphere of country-side-tourist-horror that you often find in folk thrillers.
In that same sub-sub category I would definitely recommend And Soon The Darkness (1970).

I'm sure some good ones can be found in one of many British anthology thriller TV episodes of the 1970s, but I would have to look it up.
(most anthology series are very hit-or-miss).

Maybe someone can help me recall the title of a Folk Horror I watched a few years back.

I remember there were some hikers who came across a village in the woods. From a room on the top floor of a house they were in, they could see a church in a field. They were told not to go there.

They end up breaking into the church. The pulpit was in the center of the building and under the pulpit was a hole in the ground were some ancient witch lived.

At the end, as they were running through the woods, one person sprained their ankle and was killed by the witch.