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The Marvel Universe Discussion Thread


Hey Everyone, I thought I would create a place to talk everything Marvel!

I have been a fan of the Marvel Universe since I was young in the 1970s when Spiderman and his Amazing Friends was aired.

This is a place to discuss the cartoons, the movies, the comics, to the actors we wished was cast, our Marvel action figure collections, ranking the movies, the soundtracks, any and everything including memes and animated gifs.

I got my first Marvel comic for my 34th birthday ( yeah, I was late to the party). I received issues #1 to #3 of Origin. And every issue to the end of the series after that. I read, collected and even met the artist Salvador LaRocca for X-treme X-men.

I have had many of the original Toybiz action figures, including the red Angel (Warren Worthington III) and the Iceman ( the one that if you freeze him, he would break).

I collected trading cards of the X-men and played the game Recharge.

Once Guardians of the Galaxy film was released and I learned that Star-Lord listened to the music I did as a young person. He experienced tv shows that I did at a young age, I was hooked.

So come join in the conversation!

I'm hopping offline but I'll definitely post the comic book and action figure gems from when I was a kid tomorrow night if I can get on my laptop. This thread may be a good solution/outlet for us Marvel fanboys and girls so as to not agitate the more serious minded cinephiles here at MoFo. I'm thankful for MARVEL studios finally.getting it together. It reinvigorated my interest in these childhood stories and characters. Doesn't hurt the bulk of the movie storyline come from the time period when I still read them.

BTW, if anyone's curious. The Infinity War & Endgame storyline was head and shoulders above the old Infinity Gauntlet limited series. My hope is Secret Wars does the same.

Hubby is a big superhero fan (both DC and Marvel). He's been collecting comic books and collectibles since he was a kid, and he has stuff all over the house.

Here are a few pictures of his collection:

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

We should change the thread title to include DC also. No reason to be snobs
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, let's be snobs!

Seriously, there's already a thread for comic book talk in general:

This is a topic for everythinggggggggggggg Marvel.

This is a place to discuss the cartoons, the movies, the comics, to the actors we wished was cast, our Marvel action figure collections, ranking the movies, the soundtracks, any and everything including memes and animated gifs.

What's the spoiler policy for this thread? How about no untagged spoilers for new movies/shows for the first 2 weeks of release?

We should change the thread title to include DC also. No reason to be snobs
Nope let's stick with Marvel. I'm more Marvel fan than DC but I have read DC series 52, Batman Year One: Scarecrow and Batman Year One: Ra's Al Ghul.

You can create an everything DC if you want to @TONGO

_________________________ _________________________
Per the choices given…

Cap n’ Mjolnir


My top three moments would all be from GotG

The moment that launched the MCU itself

Some of my Guardians of the Galaxy collection. I have a lot of pictures on my phone and have things I haven't photographed.

We don't have a lot of Guardians of the Galaxy stuff yet, but we're working on it. We have some of the Funko Pops and most of the Dorbz, and two different Dancing Groots. (One is solar powered to make him dance, and the other one has a button to make him sing and dance.)

We have one set of Xmas Rocket and Baby Groot Pops on the desk I'm sitting at right now.

My MOJO. This was right after I bought him.

Also I have some Marvel Legends figures but no pictures of them yet.

Hubby has tons of superhero figures, many of them from the 1970s through the early 2000s. (These are old pictures of them, so the quality isn't very good.)