Hey Everyone, I thought I would create a place to talk everything Marvel!
I have been a fan of the Marvel Universe since I was young in the 1970s when Spiderman and his Amazing Friends was aired.
This is a place to discuss the cartoons, the movies, the comics, to the actors we wished was cast, our Marvel action figure collections, ranking the movies, the soundtracks, any and everything including memes and animated gifs.
I got my first Marvel comic for my 34th birthday ( yeah, I was late to the party). I received issues #1 to #3 of Origin. And every issue to the end of the series after that. I read, collected and even met the artist Salvador LaRocca for X-treme X-men.
I have had many of the original Toybiz action figures, including the red Angel (Warren Worthington III) and the Iceman ( the one that if you freeze him, he would break).
I collected trading cards of the X-men and played the game Recharge.
Once Guardians of the Galaxy film was released and I learned that Star-Lord listened to the music I did as a young person. He experienced tv shows that I did at a young age, I was hooked.
So come join in the conversation!