Oscar Picks

MovieGal's October Horror Watch

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I decided to watch Horror movies this month. I am going to follow a pattern for what I watch. Either by subgenre, actor or writer/director. I hope that I can get a wide range of subgenres for all month.

October 1st

The Wolfman
Starring Anthony Hopkins, Benicio del Toro, Hugo Weaving and Emily Blunt
Link: Universal Monsters, Anthony Hopkins

A modern film based on the classic story of the Wolfman.

Benicio del Toro is great as Lawrence "Larry" Talbot who is transformed into the wolfman shortly after he returns home, after hearing from his brother's fiance, that his brother is missing. Anthony Hopkins portrays his father, who sent his son away to live with an aunt in America he was younger, due to his mother's suicide which sent him away to a mental facility for a year right after he witnessed the death. The film is full of action, killings caused by the werewolf and family deceit.

Hugo Weaving plays the detective who was sent by Scotland Yard to investigate the death of Larry's brother and Emily Blunt as Larry's brother's fiance, Gwen.

I watched this film in the theatre when it was released and always considered it one of my favorites as it is of the subgenre of Gothic Horror.

The Mummy
Starring Tom Cruise, Annabelle Wallis, Sofia Boutella and Russell Crowe
Link: Universal Monsters

The story of an Egyptian Princess Amanhet, who was to inherit her father's kingdom, but felt betrayed by him once one of his wives gives birth to a male heir. Amanhet makes a pact with the God of Death, Set to bring him to life in a human form in order to have the powers to kill her family. She is quickly captured and mummified alive, and her tomb is buried thousands of miles away from Egypt in Iran. In the modern day, the tomb is found and she is risen to wreak havoc on London and to keep her promise to the God Set to bring him to life in human form.

When I saw this at the theatre I wasn't crazy about it. I never rewatched it until now. I think the film did change my mind. I found it entertaining and fast-paced. I'm still not a fan of Tom Cruise and may never be but the film did redeem itself in my eyes.

The Invisible Man
Starring Elisabeth Moss, Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Adis Hodge
Link: Universal Monsters, Written by Leigh Whannel

The story of a woman named Cecilia and her escape from an abusive husband, who is a leader in the field of optics, is haunted by her deceased husband only to find out that he faked his own death and causing her to feel as if she's losing her mind and causing harm to family and friends. She has discovered that he created a suit that causes him to be invisible and she decides to finally take matters into her own hands.

I was excited when I heard this was coming out and definitely saw it opening night at the theatre. I became a huge fan of the director/writer Leigh Whannel after seeing his film, Upgrade. I have watched many films he has starred in, written and directed, even without knowing who he was.

It has become a favorite of mine.

October 2.

Starring Elijah Woods, Leigh Whannel, Alison Pill and Rainn Wilson
Link: Co-written by Leigh Whannel

The story of a food-borne virus outbreak at an elementary school and the teachers who have to fight the little monsters. However, if the child has reached puberty, they are less affected by the virus.

This film I found after I watched Leigh Whannel's Upgrade. The movie was cute but a bit silly as it's a horror comedy. I have watched it several times with friends for the enjoyment of the silliness.

I would rewatch it again as well.

Dead Silence
Starring: Ryan Kwanten, Donnie Wahlberg, Bob Quinton and Amber Valletta.
Link: Co-written by Leigh Whannell, ventriloquist doll

A young couple receives a package that contains a ventriloquist doll and shortly after, the wife is murdered. He is the main suspect in his wife's murder as there were no signs of forced entry into the apartment. He returns to his hometown to bury his wife and to find out who sent him the doll. There is a legend of Mary Shaw, a ventriloquist master who killed several children in the town. He finds out that his father, along with other townspeople, hunted and killed Mary Shaw.

I found this again searching for films involving Leigh Whannell. It was directed by James Wan and did not get great reviews.

This is the second time I have viewed this film.

Starring Anthony Hopkins, Anne-Margaret and Burgess Meredith
Link: Ventriqulist doll, Anthony Hopkins, 1970s Horror.

The story of Corky, an awkward and out-of-place magician, who turns to ventriloquism when his magic act continues to fail. He rises to fame with his doll, Fats, and quickly starts to descend. Corky decides to go to the Catskills, where he grew up as a child and stays at a cabin that is owned by his childhood secret crush and her husband. Corky decides to become in involved with her, as her marriage fails. Fats become jealous of Corky's relationship with her and murders her husband.

This is a movie I haven't watched since I was a child and was very scared of the ventriloquist doll. My sister, who is two years younger than I, loved it and asked for a doll for Christmas. Believe me, Simon did not sleep in our room

I found it to be very slow moving and the horror aspect was minimal at most. Its more of a story of mental illness.

October 2

I was able to get another film in today.

Audrey Rose
Starring Anthony Hopkins, Marsha Mason and John Beck
Link: Anthony Hopkins, 1970s Horror

The story of Ivy Templeton, an 11-year-old girl living with her parents in New York City, who is a reincarnation of a girl named Audrey Rose Hoover, who died terribly in a car crash, with her mother, when she was 6 years old.

I watched this when I was a pre-teen in the late 70s and watched it a few times afterward. I remember that I always considered it a scary story but now as I am older, not so much.

I was just about to put The Invisible Man on my watchlist when I remembered that I did see it. It's a good one, and I'm also a fan of Magic. Been too long since I've seen Audrey Rose.

I was just about to put The Invisible Man on my watchlist when I remembered that I did see it. It's a good one, and I'm also a fan of Magic. Been too long since I've seen Audrey Rose.
I have a cheat sheet I made up of what I hope to see.

Let's see if I'm able to see everything on it.

October 3.

The Silence of the Lambs
Starring Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins and Scott Glenn
Link: Anthony Hopkins, Novel series by Thomas Harris

Young FBI student Clarice Starling is given the assignment to interview Hannibal Lector aka Hannibal the Cannibal. Hannibal is aware of the serial killings by Buffalo Bill and assists Clarice with bringing justice to the serial killer.

I have seen this film many times as well as love the Hannibal TV series. I feel it's considered a classic among the fans of the horror genre.

It's an iconic role for Anthony Hopkins and he's always amazing in whatever genre of film he makes.

I always say that each actor who portrays Hannibal Lecter does an amazing job in his own way. Anthony Hopkins brings us the beady-eyed, salacious grin, malicious Lecter.

Day 4

Starring Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Ray Liotta & Gary Oldman
Links: Anthony Hopkins, Novel series by Thomas Harris

Hannibal Lecter escaped at the end of The Silence of the Lambs and now is living in Italy. Clarice is called to the home of one of Hannibal's victims that survived, Mason Verger, who was maimed due to Hannibal. Mason has set up a reward for the capture of Hannibal and has an Italian detective searching for him. Also, Mason has a few unsavory men who is willing to do the most horrific thing to Hannibal once he's caught. Clarice Starling is still on the hunt for Hannibal as well. Hannibal is on to the trail that Mason has set out and murders the detective by hanging him out a window, degutted. Hannibal leaves Italy and travels back to the US. He communicates with Clarice and the unsavory men capture him and bring him to Mason's ranch to be eaten by hogs. Clarice saves Hannibal but is shot in the process. Clarice wakes up at the boathouse of her chauvinistic boss, Paul Krendler, with Hannibal preparing dinner and Clarice and Paul are the guests of honor. Clarice realizes that Paul is to be the main course. Clarice overpowers Hannibal and is handcuffed to him. Hannibal decides to remove his own hand to get loose before the police arrive, which Clarice contacted prior to coming down for dinner.

This is one of the most gruesome films of the series. The hogs eating people, Krendler's exposed brain and Hannibal feeding him a cooked piece. Its a very fun watch.

Im glad I am revisting the Hannibal film series for this October.

Victim of The Night
October 2

I was able to get another film in today.

Audrey Rose
Starring Anthony Hopkins, Marsha Mason and John Beck
Link: Anthony Hopkins, 1970s Horror

The story of Ivy Templeton, an 11-year-old girl living with her parents in New York City, who is a reincarnation of a girl named Audrey Rose Hoover, who died terribly in a car crash, with her mother, when she was 6 years old.

I watched this when I was a pre-teen in the late 70s and watched it a few times afterward. I remember that I always considered it a scary story but now as I am older, not so much.
That's specifically why I never watched it again, I feel like it's going to be kind of a letdown.

Victim of The Night
I have a cheat sheet I made up of what I hope to see.

Let's see if I'm able to see everything on it.

Use your Sam Neill link to get The Omen movies to the John Carpenter movies via the underrated In The Mouth Of Madness! (And of course, Event Horizon.)

Use your Sam Neill link to get The Omen movies to the John Carpenter movies via the underrated In The Mouth Of Madness! (And of course, Event Horizon.)
Lol I always enjoy Sam Neill movies except one you all love. I did not like Possession.

Lol I always enjoy Sam Neill movies except one you all love. I did not like Possession.
Of course you didn't. It's crap.

FTR, Hannibal is one of the worst books I ever read. Truly terrible.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

boring mainstream choices


i love you anyway
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Magic is an underrated film.
Sam Raimi is apparently doing a remake of it.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Go ahead. Rockatansky strikes me as a guy who can pick up but another pile of B-movie DVDs.