Your Scariest Scene in a Horror Film


In honor of Halloween, the tv station here had the two Film reviewers give their favorite horror movie scenes. I feel the majority of us have seen a few horror films in our movie watching and we should share our favorite scariest scene.

With mine, when I know this scene is coming, I have changed the channel or shut the movie off.

Yeah, I love horror films, including bloody, psychotic and supernatural. But this is the most scariest to me.

Certain parts of Perfect Blue, especially when she's on her computer.
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Quite impossible for me to say what's the scariest but there are some really nice scenes in Asian horrors. The first that comes to mind is from The Eye:


Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Good thread MG, I'm planning on watching Carrie for the first time ever, this Halloween. So I didn't watch your video clip but I'm even more interested in what Carrie will be like now

Good thread MG, I'm planning on watching Carrie for the first time ever, this Halloween. So I didn't watch your video clip but I'm even more interested in what Carrie will be like now
I've seen the original but I always fancied seeing the one with Angela Bettis, as I loved her so much in May (2002).

Being a comic geek, I always thought of Carrie as a Marvel X-Men What If? story...
What if Jean Grey didn't have good parents and was never discovered by Professor X?

I bet Stephen King got half his ideas from comic books!

This I think. I also like the cupboard scene in The Ring (2002) and several of the scenes in The Entity (1982).

Not so long ago I found Honeymoon (2014) very scary. The moment I'm thinking of is achieved primarily through clever dialogue .

Being a comic geek, I always thought of Carrie as a Marvel X-Men What If? story...
What if Jean Grey didn't have good parents and was never discovered by Professor X?

I bet Stephen King got half his ideas from comic books!
You're right – Carrie isn't a million miles away from Jean .

You're right – Carrie isn't a million miles away from Jean .
Both teen-aged girls who discover they have telekinetic powers.
So, does this mean Carrie was a mutant?

Whenever a telekinetic is ostracized and bullied, bad things are bound to happen!

In answering this I was also thinking about various other scenes of horror, not necessarily within that genre, and some only in print. There's an incredibly scary moment in M. R. James' story The Diary of Mr Poynter for example; A. M. Burrage's Smee is also very unsettling, based around a version of Hide and Seek.

I was thinking back recently to interviews with the cast of the Clash of the Titans remake, where the original was seen as "soft". I never thought of it that way at all, and in fact there are many very scary moments. I'm currently using one as my avatar, where Zeus punishes Calibos. What a scene! The stages of the transformation are so well thought out – so cinematic – and all done within the shadow. I think a particularly sinister aspect is the open mouth, because you get the sense of Calibos' utter terror at what's happening; something that, at this point, we're only offered a glimmer of. I also like the later scene of him discovering that his meeting with Andromeda has been observed, and angrily baring his teeth. That always got under my skin as a kid.

In answering this I was also thinking about various other scenes of horror, not necessarily within that genre, and some only in print. There's an incredibly scary moment in M. R. James' story The Diary of Mr Poynter for example; A. M. Burrage's Smee is also very unsettling, based around a version of Hide and Seek.

I was thinking back recently to interviews with the cast of the Clash of the Titans remake, where the original was seen as "soft". I never thought of it that way at all, and in fact there are many very scary moments. I'm currently using one as my avatar, where Zeus punishes Calibos. What a scene! The stages of the transformation are so well thought out – so cinematic – and all done within the shadow. I think a particularly sinister aspect is the open mouth, because you get the sense of Calibos' utter terror at what's happening; something that, at this point, we're only offered a glimmer of. I also like the later scene of him discovering that his meeting with Andromeda has been observed, and angrily baring his teeth. That always got under my skin as a kid.
I've been meaning to comment on your new avatar, Seeing!
Coincidentally, I just saw this scene the other day when TCM aired Clash!
I always remembered this little shadow scene as a kid as well - somehow disturbing yet iconic!

P.S. the Clash remake (despite all it's updated effects) didn't compare with the original - I barely remember much from the remake, but remember the entire original.

P.S. the Clash remake (despite all it's updated effects) didn't compare with the original - I barely remember much from the remake, but remember the entire original.
Yeah, that's not surprising . I liked Ralph Fiennes, but not really the move to make Hades a villain ('cause he isn't one); the Stygian Witches were okay; I was very happy with Alexa Davalos too, but then that's nothing new .

I've been meaning to comment on your new avatar, Seeing!
Coincidentally, I just saw this scene the other day when TCM aired Clash!
I always remembered this little shadow scene as a kid as well - somehow disturbing yet iconic!
I think that whole concept of the wall of statues was unbelievably good. There's also the scene where Zeus crushes Acrisius's clay figure and therefore him with it. I think the word is 'gnarly' .

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I made a thread called "Childhood Trauma" that contains my top ten childhood scares. Most of them weren't from movies that were supposed to be scary. And now that I'm older with 3 years experience working in a haunted house, not much gets to me anymore. However, most recently, a scene really got to me and haunted me for about three nights straight, I literally couldn't sleep. I'm not sure how much it counts as a horror movie, but Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark had a scene of what was called, "The Pale Lady," creeping up to the character eerily and slowly. He was caught in the middle of four hallways, all with the Pale Lady in it. There was no where to turn and every time he looked into a different hallway, she got closer. It was like a nightmare.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
For me, it was the Rottweilers in The Omen. I saw that movie one time and I never wanted to watch it again.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Although, speaking of "childhood trauma," there is a moment (that didn't make the list for some reason) that still messes me up today. When Augustus drowns in chocolate in Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. Again, not a scary movie...I think...but the idea is worse than the thought of drowning in water. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolate, but that thick goop going into your lungs? No thanks!

Although, speaking of "childhood trauma," there is a moment (that didn't make the list for some reason) that still messes me up today. When Augustus drowns in chocolate in Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. Again, not a scary movie...I think...but the idea is worse than the thought of drowning in water. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolate, but that thick goop going into your lungs? No thanks!
In my favourite Doctor Who story, The Happiness Patrol, "killjoys" are publicly executed by being drowned in candy .

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
In honor of Halloween, the tv station here had the two Film reviewers give their favorite horror movie scenes. I feel the majority of us have seen a few horror films in our movie watching and we should share our favorite scariest scene.
Recently, I watched The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2, and they contain some of the scariest scenes I've ever watched. I have a liking for supernatural horror movies, especially the ones based on truth.

This one scene in particular I like, among others.

A system of cells interlinked
It doesn't bother me much anymore, but when I first say Pet Sematary in the theater, this scene terrified me.

“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch