Oscar Picks

MOFO 80's Teen Movie Hall of Fame


@Citizen Rules , @Sedai , @TheUsualSuspect , @edarsenal @cricket (if you are in), @SmudgeEFC1985 @ScarletLion (if you are in) @Rhys (if you are in) @ynwtf (if you are in) @Velvet

If you already know your nomination, you can send to me.

We can start this on November 1st but Im closing participation on October 26th.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
annnd Nom sent!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

It's been a while since I joined a HoF because there have been a lot of movies nominated that just aren't my type of movies, but I'm seriously considering this HoF. I've seen a lot of the '80's teen movies, and I love, (or at least like), many of them. My only concern is that there may be too many horror teen movies nominated.

I'll be very surprised if The Breakfast Club doesn't win this HoF, but I'd like to see what other movies people nominate to try to beat it.

Love this movie and Phoebe Cates wasn't even the hottest girl in it. That would be Betsy Russell-

Sent my nom
yeah I posted that because of the music... 80's films has the best music

Lol that was Rick Springfield song... called "The American Girl"

some of my favorite 80s tunes are from movies

Ok most know me as a fan of rock and especially rock from other countries... but I do listen to other genres from around the world...

but when it comes to 80s music.. Im totally pop... and Im a huge fan of Madonna's... and Rick Springfield (my son's name is Richard)

Ya entirely caught me between what I was watching this Summer, and what I want to watch as the weather goes cold, Oh Ugh Gawd!

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I hope people refrain from nominating obvious choices but whatever.
This was my top five choices....

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)

- excluded because it just missed the cutoff

The Wizard(1989)

-excluded because it was going to come in last or second to last

El Norte(1983)

-I don't know if I wanted to watch something this powerful again

Nightmare on Elm Street III (1987)

-I've nominated way to many horror films so I'm moving onto a new genre

I'll say this for the film I've picked it sort of is a combination of all four of these films. And this should be a film in contention to win.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
@Ms. M perhaps you could nominate a film from Poland within this HOF... it would be interesting to see a foreign film of this nature.
I'm not sure, if it's not against the rules - nominate, but not taking apart... What do you think?

I didn't pick a movie to win but I am glad I picked it because I'm excited for a few ppl to see it as I consider it a really cool little movie that is fun and pays off nicely

This was my top five choices....

WARNING: "space saving" spoilers below
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)

- excluded because it just missed the cutoff

The Wizard(1989)

-excluded because it was going to come in last or second to last

El Norte(1983)

-I don't know if I wanted to watch something this powerful again

Nightmare on Elm Street III (1987)

-I've nominated way to many horror films so I'm moving onto a new genre

I'll say this for the film I've picked it sort of is a combination of all four of these films. And this should be a film in contention to win.
I'm going to try and guess what the movie will be just for fun

I'm not sure, if it's not against the rules - nominate, but not taking apart... What do you think?
It doesnt have to be in english.. it can be in any language.. as long as its from the 80s and one of the main character is a teenager...

Nominate away!